Page 21 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 21

Namah                                      Develop your own immunity

        the face of this onslaught! Each must discover  body’s own relationship with the evolving
        his or her complete means to immunity yet  soul, the psychic being. It is only this entity
        never has there been so much pressure to  that can offer the fullest immunity and
        compromise and conform.                  lead it to the threshold of transformation.

        Virtually all of humanity looks for material  Through considerable effort and with a growing
        solutions to protect itself from the harm  contact with the psychic presence, a faint
        from outside. This is hardly surprising,  voice starts to whisper in the body itself.
        because it is in the material domain that  It begins to express what it truly needs.
        man derives the greatest pleasure. Society  The first shoots of aspiration appear from
        is largely content with its standardised and  the surface being. It is a painstaking and
        convenient solutions. But if we are to expand  intricate process and can, without a state
        and grow, we have to be responsible for our  of attentiveness, be easily crowded out
        own immunity.  We are not inert matter;  by outside influences. The body needs to
        we embody a living soul. To a degree, we  find its own way to develop its immunity.
        have to defy all accepted social logic and we  Not many are ready for this but if our
        are answerable only to ourselves. We need  consciousness is to grow in an integral way
        to uncover our unique Warrior to move  it needs to look inside as well as outside to
        forward with impunity.                   enlarge its capacity. The ultimate answer
                                                 always lies inside.
        If one wants to develop oneself integrally,
        there are no shortcuts. We find that we also need  Three levels of immunity
        to work with our body in order to enhance
        its capacities and refine its consciousness. We  If we are to achieve our unique immunity,
        have been called upon to prepare for the  there are various levels that need to be mastered
        next unfolding episode of evolution. The  and attained. Each of these gradations has
        implications of our collaboration are immense.  its own utility and purpose. We find each
        Matter and Spirit need to be joined and so  overlaps and enriches the others.  But they
        we start with basics to marry earth with  all come from a different source and each has
        sky. But always we stay grounded because  its own unique purpose and efficacy.
        the aim of Integral Yoga is to open all our
        nature to the Force of Transformation and  Our natural immunity
        the body is the final, last essential link
        in the process. The body has to develop  This type of immunity exerts a great deal of
        of its own volition and not be moulded  influence on the effectiveness of the next and
        by outside material fixes: least of all  bases itself on simple common sense. It comes
        should it be propped up by drugs. It needs  from respecting and heeding the body’s
        educating from a more integral source. The  needs in a careful and measured way. Right
        intelligent mind and converted vital can  diet, right exercise and right rest and sleep all
        help in introducing a greater discipline and  fit into this category.  This lifestyle-approach
        vigour to its activities. However the greatest  imparts a greater balance to our physical
        catalyst to this emerging consciousness is the  nature, which removes the principal cause

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