Page 28 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 28

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 3, 15th October 2021

        firmness of the earth, the swiftness of the  of this conscious evolution and growth.  A
        deer, the stealth of the tiger, the beauty of  consciousness approach means, to begin with,
        a flower, the force that kills in the sting of a  that we use everything, including illness, as a
        scorpion and snake, the healing properties  means to push ourselves in this direction of
        of herbs, the intelligence of a human being,  conscious evolution. The process of achieving
        the love within the heart, the joy that runs  this is called yoga.
        as sap through all objects, all are nothing but
        various qualities of the One Consciousness  This evolution of consciousness is a twofold
        inherent in all things.                  process. Firstly it is an inner evolution,  an
                                                 inner change of consciousness replacing
        Nay, Consciousness is much more than the  fear with faith, mental will with a higher
        qualities. It is One, but many-layered, many-  and greater spiritual will, opening the
        tiered due to which we find that creation  mind, and life and body to the influx of a
        is arranged hierarchically from a state of  greater consciousness that would slowly
        utter unconsciousness to a state that yogis  start putting pressure on the body, even the
        call the Superconscious state. Of course,  cells, to change. This growth, expansion,
        unconsciousness simply means that the con-  evolution of consciousness gets integrated
        sciousness has entered into a state of its own  in the soul- essence and emerges with
        self-oblivion, in a state of sleep so to say. Each  rebirth to grow further with each life. This
        state and plane of consciousness is like a rung  growth eventually starts stabilising the
        in the great ladder of creation. Outwardly,  body-consciousness itself until one day,
        we call it the ladder of evolution that is built  at some point, the pressure of a higher
        as forms evolve and create a hierarchy of  consciousness leads to a transmutation
        creatures. Inwardly it is the manifestation  of the body itself, creating a new species
        of new possibilities and powers in the One  that would be spontaneously immune to
        Consciousness. In matter and material objects,  all illnesses.
        we see the concreteness of forms creating
        solidity and stability. In plants and animals  Our present state and the path before us
        we see a growing vitality, the rushing of life-
        force towards expansion, growth, enjoyment.  This is the solution placed before us by Sri
        In man we see the growth of intelligence and  Aurobindo and the Mother, a solution that is
        the possibilities of reason, discernment, self-  radical, complete and definitive. What about
        reflection, conscious change, higher seeking,  the time during which we are transiting from
        aspiration for a greater and higher life.   the animal humanity of today to the divine
                                                 super-humanity of the future? Well, here we
        Conscious evolution                      have to understand the consciousness-based
                                                 approach in another way. It means that as it
        But man is not complete. There are higher  is our consciousness, so are the means that
        and still higher ranges of consciousness  we must use. Therapies too work according
        awaiting his discovery through a conscious  to the level and state of consciousness.  The
        ascension and integration. The challenges  Mother explains this beautifully in response
        of life are meant to push us in the direction  to a question as noted below:

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