Page 31 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 31
Namah Consciousness and healing
The ground of consciousness than the outer method. Let us therefore work
towards finding ways and means of changing
What we need to understand here is that our consciousness, of shifting its needle
the excessive and sometimes exclusive rather than simply multiplying hospitals and
importance given to one kind of therapy in medications. In a change of man lies the radical
favour of another is like the quarrels and cure of all illnesses.
disputes of different philosophies, ideologies
and religions. On the surface, they are divided Introducing this ideal in practice
in their methods and beliefs and premises
and discoveries. Each has its strengths and How can we develop this understanding
each its limitations. Each works for a few among health-workers at different levels?
while not for others. Each has its own hits Of course the first necessity is that there
and misses. However, there is common must develop quite organically, or shall
ground or a substrate where they meet. It is we say under the pressure of the new
the ground of consciousness in which they consciousness and the aspiration of the
can be understood on a continuum, a ground group, those few who have undertaken the
that sees not only the system but the healer journey of yoga to translate the intellectual
and the healed all as a single unit in the understanding into real yoga. It is only
matrix of consciousness. To discuss all that when a few members, preferably at the
would require much more space. Suffice it core of a yogic community, are actually
to say, that in the end, all depends upon the walking the path. It is their presence that
consciousness in which and with which we will act as a receiver and transmitter of the
approach a patient, an illness and a method Higher Consciousness.
of therapy. In a certain state of consciousness
nothing outer is needed and it is enough to At a second level, there should be a constant
merely be convinced of the cure or to have ongoing education, an exposure to these
faith in the cure. On the other hand, there is deeper truths of life from different viewpoints.
a state in which even a host of the newest This would surely need teachers who can
medicines and best hospitals and doctors fail. communicate in a way that is consistent
It is this inner state of consciousness that we with a scientific approach to health and with
must pay at least as much if not more attention practical examples. Maybe for the larger
outreach, a book on health and healing can
be written keeping the nursing-staff in mind.
At a third and pragmatic level, certain things
should be incorporated in the very culture
of the place. Everything, from the colour of
curtains to the walls, the approach of the
staff towards patients, should speak of this
higher approach. This is very difficult but
once it happens then it stays much longer.
For example, things like starting work in the