Page 30 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
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Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 3, 15th October 2021

                                                 before. It can be put into direct contact with
                                                 the essential truth of its being, to the extent
                                                 that, spontaneously, at every moment it knows
                                                 instinctively, or intuitively, what is to be done
                                                 and that it can do it.

                                                 As I say, this state can now be realised by
                                                 all those who take the trouble of preparing
                                                 themselves to receive the supramental force,
                                                 to assimilate it and obey it.
        Now, according to what Sri Aurobindo teaches   Of course, there is a higher state than this, the
        us, this is not a final realisation, nor is it the ideal   state Sri Aurobindo speaks of as the ideal to be
        to which we want to rise. There is a higher state   fulfilled: the divine life in a divine body. But
        than this, in which the consciousness, though   he himself tells us that this will take time; it is
        it still remains principally mental or partially   an integral transformation which cannot be
        mental in its functioning, is already open to   achieved in a moment. It will even take quite
        higher regions in an aspiration for the spiritual   a long time. But when it is accomplished, when
        life, and open to the supramental influence. As   the consciousness has become a supramental
        soon as this opening occurs, one passes beyond   consciousness, then action will no longer be
        the state in which life is purely physical — when   determined at every moment by a mental choice
        I say ‘physical’ I include the whole mental and   or be dependent on the physical capacity: the
        intellectual life and all human achievements,   entire body will spontaneously, integrally, be
        even the most remarkable; I am speaking of   the perfect expression of the inner truth.
        a physical which is the summit of human
        capacities, of an earthly and material life in   This is the ideal we must keep before us, for the
        which man can express values of a higher order   realisation of which we must strive; but we must
        from the mental and intellectual point of view   not delude ourselves and think that it can be a
        — one can go beyond that state, open oneself to   rapid transformation, miraculous, immediate,
        the supramental force which is now acting on   marvellous, without effort and without labour.
        earth and enter a transitional zone where the   However, it is no longer only a possibility, it
        two influences meet and interpenetrate, where   is no longer even only a promise for a far-off
        the consciousness is still mental and intellectual   future: it is something which is in the making.
        in its functioning, but sufficiently imbued with   And already one can not only foresee but feel
        the supramental strength and force to become   the moment when the body will be able to repeat
        the instrument of a higher truth.        integrally the experience of the most spiritual
                                                 part of the being, as the inner spirit has already
        At present this state can be realised on earth   done, and will itself be able to stand in its bodily
        by those who have prepared themselves    consciousness before the supreme Reality,
        to receive the supramental force which is   turn to it integrally and say in all sincerity, in
        manifesting. And in that state, in that state   a total self-giving of all its cells: ‘To be Thyself
        of consciousness, the body can benefit from a   — exclusively, perfectly — Thyself, infinitely,
        much better condition than the one it was in   eternally... very simply (1).’”

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