Page 34 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 34

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 3, 15th October 2021

        pandemic is an example of an imbalance in  What might be everyday examples of well-
        the individual and collective state of well-  being?
        being. It is time then that we understand
        well-being to mainstream it.             We can all relate to the presence of warmth all
                                                 over the body, a lightness of feeling, a good
        Defining well-being                      appetite and digestion, sound and restful
                                                 sleep, clarity and perfect coordination of the
        It is indeed difficult to objectively define well-  mind and ability of the body for physical
        being. This is because firstly it is a subjective  exertion, vitality and energy in the physical,
        state, an experience. It provides an indication  mental, vital self.
        of the overall sense of happiness, cheerfulness,
        satisfaction, fulfilment and equilibrium in  The Mother has very simply captured the
        the inner being and outer becoming. It is a  essence of well-being as, “It’s not money
        positive concept that enables the expansion  that makes a man happy, but rather an inner
        of personal capacity and helps to optimally  balance of energy, good health and good
        leverage resources.                      feelings (1).”

        Secondly, the experience of well-being cannot  We all have experienced such states periodically.
        be broken down into different elements  All of us have the ability to experience and be
        of mental, vital, physical or spiritual. It  in a state of well-being. The struggle is in
        is a sum total of all these that provide a  holding this state within constantly. Due
        complete, integral experience. Fixing one or  to the stresses and anxieties in our life-
        a few elements will not provide a wholesome  situations, we experience an imbalance.
        experience. Therefore, it requires a whole  And we are continuously striving for
        and full engagement.                     different ways to restore our well-being.

        Thirdly, its absence is more acutely felt while  Underpinnings of well-being
        its presence is taken for granted. Not being
        in a state of well-being is not necessarily  Nature
        indicative of a physical, vital, mental or  This deals with the ‘inner’ balance and
        spiritual infirmity but implies a (dis) ease in  equilibrium. The manifestation is in the ‘outer’
        the integral health that blocks the ease-ness  workings. The absence calls for certain actions
        and flow in everyday engagements.        (working) towards restoration, renewal.

        What then entails well-being?            Process of restoration and renewal
                                                 It requires a holistic and integral approach
        It includes having good overall health, high life-  (physical, mental, vital and spiritual). The
        satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose  work involves aligning from inside to outside.
        and ability to manage stressful situations. It  This means it is centred in the environment
        provides an overall sense of contentment,  within and not necessarily driven by the
        harmony, balance and fulfilment between  external environment.
        the inner and outer being.

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