Page 37 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 37
Namah The four pillars of well-being — an integral approach
sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by practicing Vihaara
It is often said that, ‘You are only as good as
If the body becomes diseased, it is in violation the company you keep’!
of the natural law and impedes the practice of
Yoga. By being temperate in bodily activities “The key is to keep company only with people
and practising yoga, one can become free who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your
from the sorrows of the body and mind. best (2).”
Conscious and constant vigilance over our Vihaara provides a window into our associations
intake can keep us on track for timely course and lifestyles which in turn influences our
correction. The Gıta has also mentioned the everyday living: routines, habits, occupations,
positive outcomes that emerge if one is social engagements, entertainment, hobbies
mindful of the quality and quantity of intake. and interests, intellectual, physical pursuits,
our networks, support groups, etc. Our
आयु:सत्त्वबलारोग्यसुखप्रीतिविवर्धना: | associations influence the quality of our
रस्या: स्निग्धा: स्थिरा हृद्या आहारा: thoughts. They have a large influence on
सात्त्विकप्रिया: ||17.8|| what and how we think.
“Persons in the mode of goodness prefer foods Edwin Paxton Hood wrote, “Be as careful of
that promote the lifespan, and increase virtue, the books you read, as the company you keep,
strength, health, happiness, and satisfaction. for your habits and character will be as much
Such foods are juicy, succulent, nourishing, influenced by the former as the latter (3).”
and naturally tasteful.”
Our choices on lifestyles, the ambience and
energy around us are also determined by the
associations we maintain. Our scriptures
have also talked about this in detail. In essence,
the sanngati (association) determines the
quality of satsannga (gathering together for
Truth). Satsannga is an important element to
our well-being. Simplistically, Sat means
‘Truth’ and sannga means, ‘to be associated
with’. If the quality of people we engage
with inspire and uplift our thoughts and
actions, it is likely to influence our thoughts
along the same lines. If the company we
keep is inclined towards self-gratification,
Foods (all consumption through our senses) in indulgences or is in pursuit of money,
the mode of goodness will promote longevity, fame and power, we are automatically
bestow good health, virtue, happiness, and led towards a lifestyle that supports
satisfaction. acquiring and possessing. This path is all