Page 41 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 41

Namah                  The four pillars of well-being — an integral approach

        or giving back. The rapid disintegration,  happiness and balance, the lesser will
        breakdown and disorder currently experienced  be the dissatisfaction and lamentation

        in social systems is testimony of this mind-set.  individually and collectively.
        This state is clearly contrary to well-being by
        every standard!                          To  restore  a  state  of  integral  well-
                                                 being  requires  that  AVVA  is  aligned
        Shifting the mindset to loksanngraha is not  individually and collectively. Not just once,
        an easy endeavour. It is also not possible  but consistently. Investing in well-being will
        without a conscious and sincere effort that  settle polarities within and outside and
        does not seek short-term gains. It would  align us to the higher. The effort and the
        require simultaneously making well-being  levels of engagement will vary, based on the
        of the self and others as the primary driver.  readiness and preparation of the individual
        How do we activate this? Sri Aurobindo  or the collective.
        mentions that to transcend the primary
        orientation from me and mine, attaching  Each individual or collective can deploy the
        to a higher calling can be a good starting-  AVVA framework as a reference-point for
        point. He mentions some of these as,  reflection, taking stock, recalibrating and
        “Patriotism, cosmopolitanism, service of  renewal based on their current state, their
        society, collectivism, humanitarianism, ideal  commitment and their goal.
        of humanity (6).”
                                                 To conclude, well-being is all about:

                                                 •   unblocking and restoring the natural flow;
                                                 •  restoring or renewing and requires an
                                                   integral and holistic engagement across the
                                                   physical, mental, vital and spiritual levels,
                                                   individually and collectively. A piecemeal
                                                   approach will only bring limited and short-
                                                   term benefits;
                                                 •  accepting and appreciating the intercon-
                                                   nectedness of the four pillars (AVVA). An
        Conclusion                                 imbalance in any one impacts every other
                                                   and causes a disruption to the overall state
        The world today is experiencing an imbalance   of well-being; and
        in the collective and individual well-being.  •    investing with sincere intentions, persistence,
        The actions of a few have exponentially    practising self-regulation with regularity.
        impacted and tilted the balance and harmony
        in the entire eco-system. The movement  The Mother says, “If the whole being could
        required is for the collectives to consciously  simultaneously advance in its progressive
        invest and take the onus of their well-  transformation, keeping pace with the inner
        being. The greater the numbers on the    march of the universe, there would be no illness,
        side that experiences a state of peace,  there would be no death (7).”

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