Page 45 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 45

Namah                                        A case of mistaken identity

        or by this synthesis but on the contrary deter-  of ourselves with our personal and temporal
        mines, supports and yet exceeds it. That   individualisation in a particular mind and body
        which he selects from in order to construct   is abolished. But is all truth of individuality and
        this synthesis, is his total experience of the   individualisation abolished? Does the Purusha
        world-being. Therefore our individualisation   cease to exist or does he become the world-
        exists by virtue of the world-being, but also   Purusha and live intimately in innumerable
        by virtue of a consciousness which uses the  minds and bodies? We do not find it to be so.
        world-being for experience of its possibilities   He still individualises and it is still he who exists
        of individuality. These two powers, Person   and embraces this wider consciousness while he
        and his world-material, are both necessary for   individualises: but the mind no longer thinks
        our present experience of individuality. If the   of a limited temporary individualisation as all
        Purusha with his individualising synthesis of   our self but only as a wave of becoming thrown
        consciousness were to disappear, to merge,   up from the sea of its being or else as a form or
        to annul himself in any way, our constructed   centre of universality. The soul still makes the
        individuality would cease because the Reality   world-becoming the material for individual
        that supported it would no longer be present;   experience, but instead of regarding it as
        if, on the other hand, the world-being were   something outside and larger than itself on
        to dissolve, merge, disappear, then also our  which it has to draw, by which it is affected,
        individualisation would cease, for the material   with which it has to make accommodations,
        of experience by which it effectuates itself   it is aware of it subjectively as within itself;
        would be wanting. We have then to recognise   it embraces both its world-material and its
        these two terms of our existence, a world-being   individualised experience of spatial and
        and an individualising consciousness which is   temporal activities in a free and enlarged
        the cause of all our self-experience and world-  consciousness. In this new consciousness the
        experience.                              spiritual individual perceives its true self to be
                                                 one in being with the Transcendence and seated
        But we see farther that in the end this Purusha,   and dwelling within it, and no longer takes its
        this cause and self of our individuality, comes to   constructed individuality as anything more than
        embrace the whole world and all other beings   a formation for world-experience (2).”
        in a sort of conscious extension of itself and to
        perceive itself as one with the world-being. In  Imagine, I am an actor, I go out every
        its conscious extension of itself it exceeds the  day, I play different roles. I play the role
        primary experience and abolishes the barriers of  of a murderer, a hero, a villain and a fruit
        its active self-limitation and individualisation.  vendor. As long as I am aware that I am
        By its perception of its own infinite universality  the actor, untouched, untarnished by the
        it goes beyond all consciousness of separative  script of the role-plays, I will be okay with
        individuality or limited soul-being. By that very  myself, no suffering needs to be there and
        fact the individual ceases to be the self-limiting  I can play the roles well. But imagine that
        ego; in other words, our false consciousness  one day, I come back home and forget to
        of existing only by self-limitation, by rigid  get out of the role of a villain that I play,
        distinction of ourselves from the rest of being  and I am very disturbed by what all I have
        and becoming is transcended; our identification  done. It is burdening me heavily, it is making

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