Page 17 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 17

Namah                                        Open to the Power of SSakti

        examine yourself, which parts of the body   experiencing some very high realities because
        hurt you: your eyes, stomach, chest, your   once you open your eyes everything vanishes.
        joints, your back. Just take stock. But we
        cannot stick only to the physical, we have to   To me, Sri Aurobindo has said one formula
        go beyond. So look at it in your daily life. In   that is important — “All life is Yoga”. So,
        your work, where does it hurt, where is the   whatever comes in life, I have to discover
        pain? Most of the time, overwork causes pain.   Yoga there.
        My experience — if I am expected to see more
        patients, I always re-examine. Earlier, I used to   Injury through family/relationships
        see 100 patients a day. I suddenly realised that
        I was injuring myself. So, recently I asked my   So, injury can happen through work, and
        hospital and I reduced it to 50. My staff came   then your family; a wonderful thing, very
        and said, “Sir, a lot of people are returning,   essential, it provides a lot of fulfilment but
        why are you saying no, earlier you used to see   also gives a lot of pain. So, who injures you?
        so many patients!” But, I said, “No, we have   How much do they injure you? They injure
        to stop.” Why? It is just a process of healing.   you when they are alive, and they injure you
                                                 with the memories when they depart. And if
        We have to experience where pain comes,   you have seen that process of departing when
        and we have to address that and heal it with   somebody, your family member, leaves his
        the power of consciousness. So, healing is   body in front of you, then you realise that
        for injury and injury is synonymous with   pain, that injury. This is very difficult to heal.
        pain and awareness; if you are aware of   However when they are alive too, injury is
        your pain that means you are injured.    caused; injury is very common.
        And we don’t say to ourselves that I have
        to heal myself, we don’t say that it is an   So injury is very common in your work,
        injury, you are painful, life is painful. As   in your family, in your body and in your
        I said, I was seeing so many patients and   mind in your relationships. Your heart is
        I was not enjoying it, so I looked at why it   essentially your relationship with another.
        is so? Then I said no, my body is getting   And all of us have relations which we cannot
        sad. I asked my body, and it felt it needed   leave, which we cannot do away with  and,
        a different pace. So, I modified myself.     at regular intervals, they injure us. They
                                                 may not be your immediate family but they
        So you have to ask yourself: how much work   are very close to you. They are part of your
        are you doing? Are you underworked or    emotional family; you interact with them,
        overworked? Either or both are painful. If you   you cannot do without them and they
        have nothing to do, again there is injury, you   are a part of your being. And I am pretty
        have a lot of things to do, again there is injury.   sure that, at regular intervals, it must be
        So that balance, that equilibrium, is the   a pattern: they injure and again a lot of
        catchword in health and healing. Harmony   healing has to happen. In relationships, this
        and equilibrium. This should be a part of   injury repeats itself; there is a pattern in all
        your daily life. The spiritual process is not   close emotional relationships. And if you
        about closing your eyes and meditating and   don’t have close emotional relationships,

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