Page 21 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 21

Namah                                        Open to the Power of SSakti

        yourself. The moment you attempt to give  higher consciousness, we see that no, we are
        yourself, you are opening to the power of  not doing, things are happening. We don’t
        Shakti, to the power of Love, to Mahalakshmi.  stay in that consciousness often, it needs lots
                                                 of practice.
        There is another area where you can injure
        yourself, where you say, ‘I don’t know, I  So most times, it is me who is doing things,
        don’t understand’. A Mental incapacity and  the egoistic consciousness, the identity of a
        Knowledge is the cure. Striving for Knowledge.  doer, the external consciousness; we live in
        How do I do that? The first part is to listen.  that, let us start from there. We don’t live
        Reading is also a form of listening, which  in a deeper consciousness, so I won’t talk
        they call in Sanskrit as Jñaana. When you  about that immediately. Definitely we have
        practice what you listen, that’s called Vijñana,  to strive to reach there, definitely we will
        when you experience what you practice, it  reach. But to be very honest, how long in
        is called Prajñana. And they call, Prajñanam  twenty-four hours do we stay in the deepest
        Brahma, that is the Divine. So this striving for  consciousness? I am honest with myself, I
        Knowledge, the effort to know, opens you to  don’t stay long; only during my hours
        the power of Mahasarasvati. What do I want  of contemplation and meditation maybe I
        to know? Everything. Because our mind is  go deeper. Off and on definitely I go deep
        an extrovert, we start with the most common  within, but then I come to the surface and
        external things; that is our work. What to do,  keep on working. That’s what I do. I won’t say
        how to do? Am I doing the right thing? Am  what is written in the books, that everybody
        I doing it in the right way? Just that effort  can read. So what to do and how to do? In
        opens you to the power of Mahasarasvati. We  between I take a break, I ask who am I,
        just cannot sit closing our eyes, this earth is  where am I? I am this body, I am this mind,
        a Karmabhumi; you cannot close your eyes  I am this vital, the emotion or something
        for long.                                else? We experience that something else
                                                 often, that’s self-knowledge. This is world-
        When you have entered this creation, it requires  knowledge, that is self-knowledge. Both come
        attention and that attention is work. Just keep  under the purview of Mahasarasvati, for the
        asking yourself. All the answers are within  time being. We won’t touch Maheshwari
        you, you have to find them for yourself. What  today; unless our consciousness becomes
        are you doing and what are you supposed  really vast, we don’t touch Maheshwari.
        to do? Why have you come to this earth?
        And what are you doing on a daily basis?  In daily life, when fear touches you, open
        And how you are doing things? From there  yourself to Mahakali. When poverty touches
        you start. What to do and how to do. And in  you, open yourself to Mahalakshmi. If ugliness,
        between, off and on, you have to take a break,  hatred, narrowness touches you, open yourself
        and you have to ask, who is doing this work?  to Mahalakshmi. When ignorance touches you,
        Who is the doer? Stay with it. We have not  open yourself to Mahasarasvati. So, to open
        gone to that stage where we can experience  to Shakti, the road is effort. Unless you make
        that nature is doing everything. When we are  the effort, you are not open. That means effort
        in witness consciousness, definitely a very  for progress. Effort to overcome whatever

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