Page 22 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 22
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 4, 15th January 2022
injures you, gives you pain. have, the contamination we find in water and
food, but still we survive. That simply tells us
Physical diseases are a very small dimension that the body is a wonderful instrument. But
of our being. And all the physical elements the kind of poisons we are creating by our
have a psychological counterpart. As you thoughts and emotions creates a huge amount
grow mentally, the mind takes a greater of micro injury. The immune system has been
stake in your disease-process and the healing shattered. And every day we pump so many
process. In modern times, many diseases are poisonous chemicals from our thoughts,
hugely psychosomatic, they start from the emotions and negativity into the physical
mind. And our cells register everything, system. So if we have to look at healing in
whatever happens in our mind, thoughts, its entirety, we have to look into the deeper
emotions. Every thought and emotion creates dimension where all injury gets created.
some poison, and that poison injures and
we need healing. So whatever disease we Of course with the help of external things, but
get, it is because the immune-system could here we are dealing with healing through the
not protect us. And how can the immune- power of consciousness. Not with the power
system not protect us? Because we have of medicines; they have their own power.
destroyed it. Not with the power of surgery, the power of
Outside things also affect us — the food we therapy, they have their place and we need
eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink their help also.
— everything has hazardous elements in it,
and the body gets injured. But the body has I hope I have made some attempt on how
an excellent mechanism to cope up from the to open to the Power of SSakti in day-to-day
external poisons. The amount of pollution we life.
Dr.DebabrataSahani, an editor of NAMAH, runs a centre for integral eye care and research at
Keonjhar, Odisha, India.