Page 19 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 19

Namah                                        Open to the Power of SSakti

        and we are talking of power of SSakti. SSakti  of the entire process. If you don’t experience
        is a Sanskrit word, very badly translated  pain, the entire process doesn’t start. It’s not
        in English to the word, ‘energy’. SSakti and  like reading books you open. So that want,
        energy are hugely different. Sakti and power  I want to get out of the pain, that want has
        are hugely different. SSakti is something  to be there.
        beyond, something vast. So we will just keep
        SSakti as SSakti, we will not translate it. And  Facing pain and opening to SSakti
        the power of Consciousness is the power of
        SSakti. Consciousness in Sanskrit is Cit-SSakti.  Let us classify that pain a little bit. The first
        Consciousness is Consciousness-Force. And  pain is a sense of weakness and fear; the pain
        we have to open ourselves to that Force.  of weakness, the pain of fear. Fear is the word.
                                                 Fear gives pain and I fight with that pain. I
        How do I open? How do I know that I am  have to face what makes me afraid. I have
        open? I can take an indicator, and if that  to stop running away. That famous story of
        indicator is on, then I can say that I am open.  Swami Vivekananda. He was in Benares and
        And if the indicator is off, I say that I am  was being chased by monkeys and he started
        closed. I open the door, open the window,  running. Suddenly a monk appeared and
        and once I open the window or the door,  said, “Hey, turn around and face the brutes!”
        what happens? You perceive something with  Something happened deep within Swami
        your senses. If I open the window, I see the  Vivekananda. Face what you are running away
        sky, with my eyes, I feel the gush of wind,  from. Somebody is scolding you; it is painful
        with my tactile/touch sensation. I can smell,  but don’t run away, listen to him, listen to
        bad or good, whatever comes. Once I open  the words that are hurting you, don’t close
        to something, whatever is there on the other  your ears; because you want to open to the
        side, I will be able to perceive it. If I am not  power of SSakti. Whatever hurts you, face it,
        perceiving, I am not open. If I am not feeling  go and face it. Why are you not facing it?
        anything, I have not opened the window. I  Why are you running away? Because it hurts.
        am not smelling anything, I have not opened  Exactly, that is the process, whatever hurts
        the window. If I am not touching anything,  you, just face it, get hurt. Dare to get hurt, face
        not hearing anything, I have not opened  it. Say, come on, hit me. That is the process by
        the window. The senses are so simple The  which you open, not by meditation and not
        indicator of opening is perception. I perceive;  by prayer. Life itself opens you. Meditation
        what do I perceive? I perceive SSakti. If I am  happens there. Prayer happens there. Go
        open, I experience. If I am not experiencing,  through that pain and going through that
        I am not opening, I am closed.           pain, you pray. Ask God, why this pain? And
                                                 if this pain is there, give me that power to bear
        So, the question is: how do I open? The  this pain. Give me the power to overcome this
        answer is: I have to enter the process. Why  pain. Go through it, face that pain, face that
        should I open to the power of SSakti? I want to  person, face that situation, face that event.
        heal myself. Why should I heal? Because there  That is the first part you open of yourself. To
        is injury. What is the proof that there is injury?  whom? To the first brute power, the power
        There is pain. So, pain is the starting-point  of Shakti, what we call Mahakali. You open

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