Page 33 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 33

Namah                                                  The two paths

        the body metabolism and conserve energy.  what this future truly holds for us the next
        They can also open to the universal vital  moment because it knows not the thread that
        energy, pranna, that keeps them healthy and  links our past with the future. Knowing this
        fit with a minimum intake of food. Certainly,  inadequacy the seers and yogis explored

        these extreme practices are generally not  other possibilities and discovered faculties
        recommended and balance is always a saner  that are asleep within us such as intuition,
        and safer approach to life. But the possibility  revelation, even direct vision. Though few,
        is there. How far can it extend? There are  they are still a living testimony to what mankind
        instances where even autonomic systems.  has in store in the evolutionary process.
        such as the heartbeat, could be brought back
        to almost nil and yet the person continues to  This does not mean abandoning reason but
        be alive and conscious.                  using it for its rightful purpose and assigning
                                                 it the right place. Reason itself did not discard
        Here we must understand that the mind  the animal instinct and impulses but modified
        domain is not a small expanse or stretch of  it, trying to expand its range. So too the
        road that ends with the emergence of reason.  emergence of intuition and revelatory
        Human consciousness, and the human mind  insights does not discard reason but uses
        along with it is still evolving. There are many  it for the purpose for which it is meant,
        more domains and possibilities yet within the  which is to organise our lower life into some
        mental domain that await our exploration  semblance of order. Later a still higher faculty
        and expression through evolution. It is even  will emerge to not only put things in order
        logical that nature is bound to eventually  but to harmonise all life according to the law
        leave behind reason and analysis, replacing  of a vast and all-comprehensive Truth. All
        it with more direct ways of knowing.     these faculties which we witness in certain
                                                 exceptional people or in ordinary humanity
        Reason and analysis based on a limited  under exceptional circumstances are bound
        observation are laborious and inadequate  to become more common as the evolutionary
        processes. They have done their bit by  pressure increases. This process can however
        organising the animal impulses and ordering  be accelerated and the means to do it is the
        the free-flowing movement of life into some  true sense of yoga. Yoga does not help us
        kind of metre and rhythm. It has helped cut  regress to the old animal balance but helps us
        life into little sections to study and interpret  evolve further by bringing in new forces into
        and understand. But it fails miserably when  play and thereby resets the balance at a higher
        it tries to go beyond its brief. For example, it  level, making it not only more complete but
        can conceive to an extent but cannot find the  also more enduring.
        key to live the truth of interconnectedness
        of life and all things. It finds mathematical  Newer possibilities of the body itself
        equations to solve the problems of physics
        but the problem of life remains unsolved.  Finally, there are new possibilities within
                                                 the body itself. If we look at the trajectory
        It can conceive of a future by projecting the  of evolution, we shall find that the form or
        present towards it, but cannot truly know  the body is like a magic box out of which

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