Page 23 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 23
Namah Substance of our Body Heals
hand or fingers would know exactly what energy to see what lies beneath at its core.
is going on within the part. Inner sensing We can continue to hold this condensed
of the part of the body and the sensing of matter with our awareness and connect to
vibrations will begin. With practice, it will the pure substance at its depth. If we feel
almost seem as if the subtle-physical part some light or joy or peace in-filling into the
of the fingers extends on its own into the part, this means this process is working
minute regions of our body we have not well for us. We continue to condense till
brought our awareness into. the matter reveals its core, which is always
beautiful and we pass through it to the well-
And then we could come to some dark space springs living at the depths. Or we continue
or dense matter of some limiting energy. This to condense the subtle matter till the pure
often means the cells are not fully open yet consciousness at the depth and above fills
and connected to the Divine. We learn to into the region, transforming it.
wait here now. We can bring our breath here.
Breathe within the tiny regions of the body in We could be doing this practice in the
this region. We can check if our cells recognise quietness of our homes with a set allocated
our breath. Staying within the cells, we keep time. Or we could be doing throughout the
our awareness open to the above, the higher day amidst our activities. Both ways, this
light, love or presence. process would work. In the second dynamic
way it is a knack to learn to do this alongside
Is this just an imagination or will something work activities.
actually come in? Our doubting mind and
pessimism could pop up their hoods. We And now there in the depth of our body
admire the magnificence of the hood but we learn to turn our awareness inwards
focus back within the body. We wait with and maybe the cells also learn to point to
this vast open to the above poise. Let our and connect to the living warm radiant
sadhana and Grace decide when and how we substance of light at the depth. Would
feel the light, force and love from the higher this be the equivalent of turning to the
consciousness nourish the body directly as Divine Light or Love in the depth of
it has done for the few people and Masters matter within our body? We need to find
before us. out. Learning to do this can happen in
small and large situations. You feel a bit
Now we can take the most material part of uneasy in your nostrils. Some energy
this dark space or energy. Two ways are or vibration or congestions are just clogging
there before us. We can pass our awareness in there. Place your awareness there and
through this dark space to reach a living inwardly move awareness to look/feel/
well-spring within our substance, in which sense the depth of the nostrils, into its core.
instance the surface challenges will not So there are two subtle things happening.
exist. This is perhaps the most direct path. The cells instead of continuing to be turned
However, if our awareness is stuck in the outward, turns away and turns to its
dark matter and we are not able to flow depth, which represents the living warm,
deeper, we can condense this dark matter or radiant substance.