Page 26 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 26

Namah                                     Vol. 30, Issue 2, 15th July 2022

        not have objective validation while science  comprise all reality and Sanskrit alphabets
        deals with the phenomena of consciousness  were derived from these reverberations so
        that are primarily objective, though a  that meanings are associated with sounds in
        subjective element cannot be ruled out (a  a significant way. In this view, every object
        reason why even physics has to deal with  starts as a vibration that holds the potential
        the observer bias). This difference between  of the object as well as its corresponding
        mystical and scientific disciplines needs to  sound. The vibration manifests as sound and
        be maintained as scientific parameters can  following this trajectory, the sound manifests
        only deal with phenomena which can be  further to become the meaning-sound pair.
        rationally, objectively, systematically and  Thus every object carries its name as an in-
        rigorously studied under the “experiment  built programme that can be assessed in terms
        – observation – inference – verification – re-  of consciousness (2). This is how practical
        verification” rubric. Mysticism uses intuitive  taxonomies of the physical world were built
        approaches and can deal with consciousness  with intricacy and sophistication in ancient
        as a Reality or essence of existence that can  India. It is in this context that the Sanskrit
        be experientially perceived regardless of  term Chit, Cit or Citta should be construed
        whether it fulfils the criteria of scientific  to signify consciousness in its essential and
        objectivity.                             primordial mode.

        Problems  arise  because  though  the
        scientific and mystical paradigms refer to
        two different perspectives, we use the same
        word “consciousness”, albeit interchangeably.
        Things get worse when a discipline like
        transpersonal psychology attempts to give
        equal importance to the mindsets of the
        scientist and the mystic. Perhaps the
        confusion would be less if two separate terms
        were used for the two paradigms. When
        spiritual experience describes consciousness
        as Reality or the essence of Reality, then the
        term “consciousness” is better represented  in  Chit has been viewed as “pure consciousness”
        its purity and primordial state by the Sanskrit  or “divine consciousness” in contrast to the
        term, Chit or Cit or Citta,  which is different  ordinary mental or phenomenal consciousness
        from the phenomena which science studies  (3). Sri Aurobindo describes that it is “the
        as consciousness.                        universal conscious-stuff of existence” that
                                                 can remain unmanifest or get manifested
        It is interesting to note that many Sanskrit  in many poises (4). There is the poise of the
        terms cannot be easily translated into other  mental self-awareness in human beings where
        languages or interposed into modern thought-  the universality of Chit gets limited; there is
        paradigms without loss of meaning. It is  the poise of a still limited consciousness in
        traditionally held that the primordial vibrations  terrestrial forms below the level of human

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