Page 27 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 27

Namah                 Consciousness: An Expanding Experiential Construct

        beings in the scale of evolution while at  2. Secondly, all phenomena which science
        the level of matter, Chit gets so limited that  studies as attributes of consciousness are
        it appears to be inconscient. There are  viewed as restricted and limited forms,
        also superhuman poises where Chit can  modes and movements of the pure, divine
        manifest with greater potentialities than in  Chit. “These lower modes of consciousness
        ordinary mentality. Finally, there is the   are the conscious-stuff of inferior planes in
        transcendental poise of Chit which is a state  one indivisible existence”.... “It is this Chit
        of “pure consciousness” without any phenomenal  which modifies itself so as to become ..... on
        content.                                 the mental plane the mental reason, will,
                                                 emotion, sensation, on the lower planes the
        For a scientist, an exploration of consciousness  vital or physical instincts, impulses, habits of
        studies would be meaningless in the absence   an obscure force not in superficially conscious
        of phenomenology. For a mystic, an exploration  possession of itself (7).”
        of realms of consciousness without any
        phenomenon  may provide the ultimate  Sri Aurobindo’s usage of the term consciousness is
        meaning of Reality or may demonstrate  not only limited to the poises through which
        how a phenomenal world is supported  consciousness is manifest — it extends to those
        by a non-phenomenal dimension of  states where consciousness is unmanifest.
        consciousness.    In  fact, Chit  is  “the  This includes at one end, the Inconscience
        elemental origin and primal completeness” of  where consciousness is not manifest and
        all the varied forms and phenomena and  there is only a material energy which seems
        poises through which consciousness is  to work apparently through necessity or a
        manifested (5), as well as that indescribable  self-regulating chance; while at the other end
        state where all phenomenal attributes are  this usage also refers to experiential states
        transcended.                             of Void or Zero (or Asat, Non-Being Beyond,
                                                 Non-Existence) where a term like Chit cannot
        While mystics tend to study consciousness in its  be applied in the ordinary cognitive sense
        pure, divine, Chit aspect without phenomenal  because “all terms are annulled and all cognitive
        attributes or supporting phenomenal contents,  experience is overpassed (8).”
        scientists study consciousness exclusively
        through diverse physical and psychological  Yet this Zero or Non-Existence is actually
        phenomena. Sri Aurobindo uses the term  not devoid of consciousness because it is
        consciousness in the broadest possible sense  not “Nothing” but “something beyond the
        so that it signifies all the possible poises  last term to which we can reduce our purest
        through which consciousness is manifested.  conception and our most abstract or subtle
        From the spiritual perspective, such as usage   experience.....  This Nothing then is merely a
        of the term consciousness is justified because   something beyond positive conception (9).”
        of two reasons:                          It appears to the mind as blank because the
                                                 mind grasps only finite constructions. Even
        1. Firstly, spiritual experience has identified  without transcending the ordinary cognitive
        Consciousness with Existence (Sat),“All is  level, there might be psychological processes
        Chit because all is Sat... (6)”and;      without any apparent conscious contents

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