Page 13 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 13
Namah In the Face of Error and Evil
Descended here unhappy and sublime, And yet he cannot rest forever in a half-
A link between the demigod and the beast, light. There is in man an incorrigible thirst to
He knows not his own greatness nor his aim; know, an insatiable quest for knowledge, an
He has forgotten why he has come and whence. aspiration towards unmixed truth free of all
His spirit and his members are at war; error, a search for the last outpost of Wisdom
His heights break off too low to reach the skies, where he can rest in peace and silence, a
His mass is buried in the animal mire. final poise where all is known forever in all
A strange antinomy is his nature’s rule. space and time. It is this quest that has led
A riddle of opposites is made his field: man so far from the early cave-dwellers to
Freedom he asks but needs to live in bonds, our present civilisation where we search for
He has need of darkness to perceive some light some inner cave where Truth dwells. It has
And need of grief to feel a little bliss; led man to roam and wander upon earth to
He has need of death to find a greater life. discover that idyllic spot where one can live
All sides he sees and turns to every call; in a perfect and harmonious way within and
He has no certain light by which to walk; with his world around. It has led man to soar
His life is a blind-man’s-buff, a hide-and-seek; towards endless depths of space and read
He seeks himself and from himself he runs; the scripts of time that has gone by and the
Meeting himself, he thinks it other than he. future tread of yet unborn things.
Always he builds, but finds no constant ground,
Always he journeys, but nowhere arrives; And yet his journey is far from complete.
He would guide the world, himself he cannot guide; At best, he has touched the boundaries of
He would save his soul, his life he cannot save. material creation and had some glimpses of
The light his soul had brought his mind has lost; the Truth that covers its head in the cape of
All he has learned is soon again in doubt; error and ignorance. But the ultimate Mystery
A sun to him seems the shadow of his thoughts, that can explain everything to him and give
Then all is shadow again and nothing true: him the law of a perfect living still eludes
Unknowing what he does or whither he tends him. This is so because the gap between the
He fabricates signs of the Real in Ignorance. animal life with its modicum of necessities to
He has hitched his mortal error to Truth’s star (1).” the wisdom and splendor of the gods is too
big a chasm for the evolutionary impulsion
to cross in one single giant leap. Hence the
necessity of many steps and stages. Hence
the necessity of error and approximations
until mankind gains sufficient momentum
to catapault itself beyond the boundaries of
ignorance into the utter unity and wisdom
of Truth and Reality and God.
Dharma and the law
Seen thus errors are an inevitable part of
human progress. Yet something in man