Page 10 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 10

Namah                                  Vol. 30, Issue 3, 15th October 2022

        While an experiential contact with the Unmanifest   have to be outgrown in the spiritual increase of
        Self or Jivatman conveys the ever-expanding  the being. The fundamental psychic entity in us
        wideness of consciousness and dimension of  has the delight of life and all experience as part
        impersonality, the contact with the psychic  of the progressive manifestation of the spirit,
        being brings an efflorescence of the most   but the very principle of its delight of life is to
        intense movements of joy, love, sweetness,  gather out of all contacts and happenings their
        peace, purity, devotion and beauty.      secret divine sense and essence, a divine use and
                                                 purpose so that by experience our mind and
        The psychic being carries the deepest    life may grow out of the Inconscience towards
        imprints of life-memories which are tagged   a supreme consciousness, out of the divisions
        with divinity, memories which are pure and  of the Ignorance towards an integralising
        sublime, memories which are not influenced   consciousness and knowledge. It is there for that
        by the subconscious. These memory imprints   and it pursues from life to life its ever-increasing
        that are stored in the psychic being outlive the   upward tendency and insistence: the growth of
        lifespan of the individual to remain as memory  the soul is a growth out of darkness into light,
        transcripts in the cosmic consciousness and can  out of falsehood into truth, out of suffering into
        influence future lives of one or more individuals  its own supreme and universal Ananda (1)”.
        in myriad ways. The psychic being therefore
        carries the missing link that connects lives  How can we work on our psychic being?
        through the vicissitudes of Time.        The Mother explains:

        The psychic being as a centre of integration   “Through interiorisation and concentration one
        can take over the function of leading the   has to enter into conscious contact with one’s
        being instead of the ego. It also carries the   psychic being. This psychic being always has an
        quintessence of health and well-being and is   influence on the outer being, but that influence is
        justifiably the harbinger of Integral Health. A   almost always occult, neither seen nor perceived
        person poised in the psychic consciousness  nor felt, save on truly exceptional occasions.
        can remain stable and happy in the midst of the
        most outwardly unfavourable circumstances   In order to strengthen the contact and aid, if
        that extend even to life-threatening illnesses  possible, the development of the conscious
        and terminal states.                     psychic personality, one should, while
                                                 concentrating, turn towards it, aspire to
        As the true centre of integration, the psychic  know it and feel it, open oneself to receive
        being divinises human life.              its influence, and take great care, each time
                                                 that one receives an indication from it, to
        How does the psychic being act?          follow it very scrupulously and sincerely.
        Sri Aurobindo explains:                  To live in a great aspiration, to take care to
                                                 become inwardly calm and remain so always
        “It is the soul in us which turns always towards   as far as possible, to cultivate a perfect
        Truth, Good and Beauty, because it is by these   sincerity in all the activities of one’s being
        things that itself grows in stature: the rest, their   — these are the essential conditions for the
        opposites, are a necessary part of experience, but   growth of the psychic being (2)”.

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