Page 9 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 9

Namah                                                       Editorial

        and this could only be accomplished if the  and as it evolves through successive lives, it
        multiplicity was unaware of its unitary origin.  becomes a conscious entity. Actually, it has
        The manifestation was therefore in a way  to pass through many rebirths to become a
        ignorant of the True all-pervading unity while  conscious individuality.
        the Purussa being the Unmanifest Self was
        always aware of unity as the sole reality. As  The psychic being as the centre of integration
        long as this dichotomy prevailed, salvation
        could only be attained by shifting from the  As long as we are unaware of the psychic
        manifestation to the Unmanifest Self.    being, the manifestation remains rudderless
        Sri Aurobindo wanted a divinisation of the  and chaotic or tied up to serve the ego in its
        manifestation itself so that it could reflect  various facades. The chaos happens as all the
        the underlying unity. It was a tall order. He  planes of consciousness are not in harmony
        explained that the manifestation, as we view  when they are represented in our surface
        it, was not final and there could an evolution  being of outer personality. In fact, they are
        of the manifest consciousness itself, unveiling  intermingled at the outer being and truly one
        higher powers and planes of consciousness  cannot identify them in their distinctive poises.
        till the highest creative consciousness was  Once we are aware of the psychic being, the
        reached.                                 planes of consciousness move from disharmony
                                                 to harmony as they first shift from the outer
        Element of divinity                      being to the inner or subliminal being where
                                                 they can be differentiated from one another.
        But Prakrti alone cannot divinise itself unless  Then they can be integrated around the psychic
        an element of divinity was incorporated in it  being. Once the integration has taken place, the
        to motivate it to progress. And this element  mind, vital and physical planes of consciousness
        of divinity would reflect the true unitary  become instruments of the psychic being. Until
        consciousness.                           they become instruments of the psychic being,
                                                 they cannot be divinised.
        Sri Aurobindo explained that this could be
        possible by activating a secret that had been  The true centre of integration of the being is not
        hinted at earlier in the Upanisads but had not  the ego but the psychic being. An individual,
        been fully explored. The Unmanifest Self or  whose consciousness is integrated around the
        Jivatman projects a portion of itself into the  ego-surpassing soul-principle or psychic being,
        manifestation. This was the psychic being  can be ready to ascend the higher echelons of
        or Chaitya Purussa that is ordinarily veiled.  consciousness.
        It lies in the fourth-dimensional space but it
        can come forward to replace the ego and take
        the leadership of personal growth.

        As the psychic being is a projection of the non-
        evolving Self in the evolutionary schemata, it
        also grows along the evolutionary trajectory. At
        its origin it is a divine spark of consciousness

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