Page 7 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 7
Moving Forward
Humanity is meant to progress beyond every limit imposed by Nature towards the
Limitless. By doing so, it is meant to become a conscious bridge between the limited and
the Limitless, the finite and the Infinite, the many and the One. It can do so by joining
with the Origin but without vanishing into It, but rather by becoming a conscious
channel and instrument for the Origin to manifest through his body and mind and heart
and life
This progress is in two phases, a long slow preparation and a sudden leap. It seems that
the present period of Time cycle is pushing us to take this leap. It is bidding us to leap
beyond the human limits in every sphere.
All now depends upon how we take the challenge, — leap towards the future or else fall
back into the long slow cycle.
Let us hope that humanity will have the courage to leap across the time loops and hasten
the next evolutionary phase.
Man is a transitional being. He is the step towards the Superhuman. He is the
preparation for what is going to come beyond him.