Page 10 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 10

inhibitions against raping, looting and drug-  reconcile an incisive cool-headed scientific
        taking. The demoralisation of the American  approach of the medical technocrat with
        troops in Vietnam was an extreme case of what  the compassion and love expected from
        always happens to soldiers on campaign (1).”   the physician by society at large. A second
                                                 dilemma arises in the physician’s psyche
        The physician’s predicament              when one has to balance an evidence-based
                                                 approach with an intuitive approach. Both
        The physician also learns to be detached  these dilemmas have no rational solution.
        when faced with terminal states of patients. But  Yet we forcibly eulogise the rather exclusive
        detachment per se has multiple connotations. A  mindset of rationality  with the result that the
        superficial detachment fosters a mechanical  therapeutic space becomes empty of spiritual
        attitude where life and death have no  values. Daisuku Ikeda commented:
        value after a certain point. That is why a
        severely demented or terminally ill subject  “The more deeply imbued in the scientific
        is spontaneously classified as being in a  way of thinking the doctor becomes, the
        vegetative state which has no survival value.   more his mind is exposed to the danger of
        It is this mechanical attitude that has made   regarding humans as mere physical entities.The
        the healthcare delivery system a commodity  inescapable dilemma of modern medical science
        in the hands of corporate consumerism.  is this: science itself alters the personalities of
        And though the physician can be legally  the doctors who must employ its knowledge
        challenged for therapeutic lapses, there is a   and skills and, at the same time, robs those
        plethora of insurance companies to safeguard   doctors of respect for life (2).”
        his interests. Moreover, understanding
        death, its metaphysical aspects, and its  Yet in ancient India the science of healing
        psychological and occult implications, have  was revealed to the rRssis while in Europe,
        never been pursued by contemporary medical  medieval hospitals were consecrated to
        disciplines. As a result, our management of  Christian saints. Toynbee points out the
        both passive and active euthanasia is riddled  fact that the modern addressing of the
        with dilemmas, while organ transplantation  nurse as sister and her secular uniform
        has many grey areas.                     have their roots in history since the time
                                                 Roman Catholic nuns began to serve God
        One intriguing dilemma rises when we have to  by nursing the sick. (3)

                                                 The synthetic approach

                                                 The predicament of the soldier, as well as
                                                 that of the therapist, need to be approached
                                                 from a synthetic perspective.The soldier’s
                                                 dilemma can only be solved by a programme
                                                 of global unity that would result in a sort of
                                                 World State that would not be bereft of power
                                                 but would have enough power-safeguards

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