Page 15 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 15

Namah                              The Unfinished Chapter of Psychology

        choices, from the perspective of yoga look  research which is what we call today, the
        beyond our immediate short-term gains and  scriptures. The word itself is used a little
        open the doors to a permanent and lasting  differently in the Indian context than it is in
        solution to the enigma called man. Implicit  the context of other distinctive religions. In
        within it is the fact that each time we choose  the tradition of Sanatan Dharma there is not
        the temporary good or seek mere pleasure  one scripture but many, implying thereby
        and momentary thrills, we are sliding back  that though the fundamental experience of
        towards the animal type.                 Reality is universal yet it can be perceived
                                                 from many different angles, depending
        In fact yogic literature describes three  upon the path one takes to enter into the
        gradations of humanity hierarchically  inner subjective spaces. The various paths
        arranged from the animal climbing towards  through which one entered the inner spaces
        the godlike, with the human type standing  and reconfirmed old discoveries or made new
        in between at the crossroads. In other  ones became, each a path of yoga. In this way,
        words, there are three layers of our humanity,  it kept the quest for Knowledge and Truth
        the animal past, the human present that is  open-ended in a certain sense, not in the
        not yet complete, and the divine future  fundamental essential Truth but certainly in
        that shows itself from time to time in  ways and means of its manifestation in and
        exceptional individuals.                 through human nature.

        Ancient wisdom, especially the spiritual and  Thus did the rrssis of yore create a wide and
        occult knowledge that developed in India,  plastic social order, taking into account all the
        saw humanity stratified along a number of  varied shades of human nature and intrinsic
        evolutionary layers. It saw in evolution a  temperament. The institutions dedicated to
        double movement. There is an effort to rise  such a deeper and comprehensive study of
        towards something higher that is only vaguely  human nature were called, Ashrams. The
        surmised. This effort often begins with a  word derives its true sense from shram or
        challenge that the species or individuals face.  labour, for self-study, self-knowledge, self-
        Though the challenge itself seems a random  realisation, self-mastery, and self-perfection
        event created by chance circumstances, yet  are a tremendous labour and not all are
        there is a wisdom operating from behind that  equipped or temperamentally suited for it.
        challenges us to evolve. This at least has been  That was the reason for adhikara bheda, which
        the standpoint of Indian psychology, based  literally means distinguishing those who are
        on the experiences of yogis who were, if we  ready to receive this comprehensive knowledge
        were to use modern terms, psychologists who  of human psychology in all its details and
        with courage and faith entered the deepest  depths and heights and shades with those
        and closely guarded secrets of human nature  who were not yet ready. Of course, they
        and shared their discoveries with those who  could get ready at a later date but the test
        studied human nature and its secrets under  of readiness was not performance in exams
        their guidance.                          where memory is tested but the innate
                                                 temperaments for which examination of a
        They also documented the results of their  different kind were devised.

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