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to deal with centrifugal disruptions. As Sri  The therapist also has to accommodate
        Aurobindo quipped:                       intuitive healing insights without disregarding
                                                 an evidence-based rationalistic approach.
        “Diffused, force fulfils the free workings  This needs a growth of the therapist’s con-
        of Nature and is the servant of life but also of  sciousness along an evolutionary trajectory,
        discord and struggle; concentrated, it becomes  where one traverses supra-cognitive planes
        the guarantee of organisation and the bond of  to reach the intuitive plane at higher echelons
        order (4).”                              of Reality. One needs to surpass but not
                                                 abandon rationality to access supra-rational
        The therapist needs a more individualistic  realms. In this integralise paradigm, therapy
        approach  where  therapy  needs  to  be  per se becomes a veritable yoga.
        elevated to a healing art. The therapist
        needs to learn detachment while not  References
        ceasing to be loving and compassionate.
        This detachment does not mean a casual   1.  Toynbee A, Ikeda D, (ed. Gage RL). Choose Life.
        attitude  where  one  is  oblivious  of    A Dialogue. Indian ed. Delhi: Oxford University
        the  patient’s  suffering.  Rather,  it  is  a   Press; 1987, p. 19.
        detachment carried out at the level of the
        inner being where one can be free from   2.  Ibid., p. 89
        the conflicts of the surface personality and
        yet carry the patient’s suffering in his or   3.  Ibid.
        her consciousness to be dealt in a novel
        and innovative way. Ultimately it is at a   4.   Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo,
        yet deeper soul-level that the detachment   Volume 25. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
        becomes forceful and constructive.         Trust; 1997, p..484.

                                                                            — Dr. Soumitra Basu

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