Page 16 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 16

Namah                                  Vol. 30, Issue 4, 15th January 2023

        Unfortunately, all these things are so much  life’s aim and man’s real purpose.
        misunderstood in modern times where
        a divide has been created between man’s  Of course, there are historical and other reasons
        deepest seekings and highest strivings and  for this dissonance but discussing them may
        the practical knowledge that helps us deal  be more relevant to the history of Science in
        with everyday situations and circumstances.  the context of human evolution taking place
        Or does it? This is the question we must  through different ages or epochs of Time. Each
        sincerely ask.                           age stresses upon one main aspect of human
                                                 nature, subduing all other aspects to this part
                                                 that plays a lead role in shaping our thoughts
                                                 and ideas and ethics and sociology, our self-
                                                 regard and world-view. It is like the operating
                                                 system of the mind, the lens given to us through
                                                 which we look at our self and the world.

                                                 In the age that we are just leaving behind
                                                 us, the dominating principle has been the
                                                 materialistic analytical mind. It helped
        Modern psychology and ancient insights   mankind probe into matter in its intricate
                                                 details of functioning. Its advantage was the
        Modern psychology with all its rumbling  discovery of the material substrate, the brain
        and rummaging is still too much driven by  and the neuronal network, the molecules that
        the study of the animal in man rather the  swim in the sea of mind carrying information
        gods chained within, labouring to be released.  in coded form. It was but natural that we
        It uses the word dynamic to describe the  learnt the science of manipulating matter for
        inner events yet misses the true dynamic of  psychological results. But its disadvantage
        evolution that is yet going on in the mind-  was to divorce man’s deepest aspects that are
        space. But most of all it misses the real  not measurable and cannot be manipulated
        man, which is the soul within because the  by material means alone.
        presence of the soul cannot yet be determined
        statistically even though it can be experienced  Of course, things are neither purely material
        individually.                            nor entirely spiritual. We are coming to an
                                                 Age where material monism has to learn to
        The key to understanding man in his totality  integrate with the workings of the spiritual
        is with the soul which is one of the key  forces – understand, accept and accommodate
        discoveries of Indian Psychology. The other  it in the larger scheme of things. At the same
        key is to understand the Wisdom operating  time, we have to keep the gains of the Age of
        from within, hidden behind the appearances  Extreme Materialism and use its knowledge
        of life, the Knowledge and Power that works  meaningfully and in a judicious manner,
        and labours in creation towards evolution of  wisely if one may say so. We are gone past the
        consciousness and development of forms. By  Age of either-or, when the world was sharply
        ignoring these two crucial elements it misses  divided between two camps, — spiritual and

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