Page 54 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 54

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 3, 15th October 2023

        Surrender is a process where the human  Power, Harmony, Beauty and Substance
        being aspires to link with the Divine,  within us and which slowly flows into our
        experience union and through that aspires  outer relationships, activities and works.
        for a divine body and divine life. If we make
        this choice of divine life, we need to learn to  Surrendering our breath practice
        cling to that. We need to free ourselves from
        constantly clinging to our small desires and  Let us practise surrendering and receiving
        ambitions and eventually allow these desires  the new life-forces within our breath.
        to merge with our highest aim and become  Either in a sitting, walking or any normal
        fit instruments to fulfil That.          posture, bring your awareness to your body
                                                 overall — at the surface and within the body.
        Surrender is the epitome of joy. We aspire to  Remember to include the front, back and sides
        experience this Delight. A constant surrender  of your body. Now slowly become aware of
        (initially with some mental effort/moulding  the movement of breath in each part of your
        the will and later absolutely spontaneous  body. You can even bring your awareness
        as a natural response of our whole system)  from head to toe and wait to see how the
        has the power to unite the surrenderer with  breath is moving in each part. Is it a free flow
        the surrendered. This is the potential of our  or is it being held/stuck in some parts? Is it
        exploration and in this article let us take some  a full breathing or a partial breathing that is
        baby steps in an experiential way.       going on?

                                                 In its natural state, the body does not hold its
                                                 breath and lets it out in its own time. Only
                                                 that allows our body to receive the next
                                                 dose of praana, deepening the connection
                                                 with Mahapraana (universe). So in each part
                                                 of your body detect where breath is being
                                                 held back, not released fully or is in a partial
                                                 flow state. Surrender or offer this part and
        The aim of this article is to explore living with  what it is holding to the Divine and wait till
        the practice of surrender in each moment.  your breath flows fully and is released fully
        This would include at least four aspects. First,  too. Surrender your breath to the Universe or
        is to connect to our Divine Supreme in some  Divine Supreme. Wait and see how your body
        way which comes naturally to us or is graced  feels and whether qualities like calmness,
        to us. Second, is to offer all the limiting states  peace, stillness, joy or light are received or
        or less than divine Qualities that are passing  infilled within your body.
        through our mind, emotions, sensations and
        body, to the Divine Supreme. Third, is to  This practice of surrender bestows us slowly
        stay with this aspiration to surrender in  with equality in our being. In pain or pleasure,
        a conscious, living way and wait for the  win or lose, pleasant or unpleasant and in all
        Grace to inflow into us. Fourth, is the joy of  such experiences of dualities, surrender can
        receiving the New vibrations of Love, Light,  help retain the joy of an equanimous posture.

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