Page 56 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 56

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 3, 15th October 2023

        more of the Divine within us. Then our eyes  While you are doing the yoga exercises,
        can see more clearly and our deeper hearts  integrate it with your bodywork. Be fully
        can guide us more directly.              aware of your body on the surface and
                                                 depth. Be with your breath. With each
        We then see that the challenges in our life are  movement touch your body inwardly with
        arranged for us. The support and solutions for  your awareness and senses. Any tightness,
        the same are also arranged for us. We need to  stiffness or old patterns connect the body to
        make our choice — to not get entangled and  the space or consciousness above your head,
        offer the challenges to the Divine. We need  sacredness below the core of the earth or
        to wait till we receive the solution and new  the deeper presence within the cave of your
        states. We need to connect to the Divine and  heart. Surrender your body to the higher
        remember that She is doing the work in us.  consciousness and wait till the body gains
        First, this is a mental belief and slowly we  new capacities, becomes more fluid, develops
        can feel the presence of the Divine and the  strength and gains greater flexibility.
        changes naturally unfolding within us. Then
        we slowly discover that what we do as our  We share some examples of how you can do
        sadhana is just a way to bring us to a state of  this practice. Once you get the hang of it, you
        aspiration and sincerity. Things evolve by a  can apply this bodywork and surrender, for
        greater Hand at play. We slowly aspire to  the entire duration of all your physical body
        cling to the will to surrender, so that we can  workouts.
        be open to the continued inflow of the Divine
        moulding us.                             During any yoga asana be aware of your body
                                                 and its sensations. Connect to the substance
        Practising surrender with the body as a  of your body — the matter or more solid
        base                                     part of your body’s flesh, muscles, bones
                                                 and organs.
        Surrender is practised at all times and with
        all parts of our body. It becomes tangible  • Slowly learn to do the yoga asana by staying
        when done during physical exercises like   in touch with the substance of your body.
        yoga aasanas along with inner bodywork. So   Whatever stiffness and limitations you
        we shall explore surrendering while doing   experience in the body, offer it to the
        something concrete like a physical yoga asana,   Divine. You must also remember that there
        and then we shall take our exploration of   is Divine in matter and offer the challenge
        surrender into its other aspects.          to the belief of pure substance in the depth
                                                   of your body. Surrender and wait. Aspire
        Here is an example of how we can bring     that the body releases its limitations and
        a yoga aasana practice, inner bodywork and   resumes its natural flow, flexibility and
        surrender together. One way this practice   strength states.
        can be done is hinted here. You can explore
        this while doing your yoga routine or any  • While doing any yoga aasana or physical
        other physical workout.                    exercise, connect to the cave of your heart.
                                                   During each interval or tiny break in your

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