Page 16 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 16

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 4, 15th January 2024

        self-conscious existence, pure and infinite. The  the original infinite Power that has created
        relation of the two exists between the poles of  finite worlds and beings through Her Divine
        rest and action. When the Energy is absorbed  Maya, the power that builds forms for the
        in the bliss of conscious self-existence, there is  Issvara to inhabit. Having built the forms,
        rest; when the Purusha pours itself out in the  She energises them, setting them into fixed
        action of its Energy, there is action, creation  grooves of motion to keep each form and
        and the enjoyment or Ananda of becoming.  each creature in its allotted place. This
        But if Ananda is the creator and begetter of  most outward action of the Divine Power
        all becoming, its method is Tapas or force of  that binds and fixes all things and their
        the Purusha’s consciousness dwelling upon  movements in fixed grooves of habitual
        its own infinite potentiality in existence and  cause and effect is what we call as Prakrrti or
        producing from it truths of conception or  Nature. But Prakrti too in its depths receives
        real Ideas, vijñaana, which, proceeding from  the impulsion from the One Divine Power,
        an omniscient and omnipotent Self-existence,  SSakti, the Divine Mother, whose Wisdom
        have the surety of their own fulfilment and  and Will provides the needed energy and
        contain in themselves the nature and law of  knowledge for her limited operations albeit
        their own becoming in the terms of mind,  in her vast empire of the lower triple worlds
        life and matter. The eventual omnipotence of  of mind, life and body. Therefore, to change
        Tapas and the infallible fulfilment of the Idea  anything radically in nature is impossible
        are the very foundation of all Yoga. In man  without the sanction of the original Divine
        we render these terms by Will and Faith, — a  Will of which the Divine Mother is the
        will that is eventually self-effective because it  human embodiment. Tantra, which came
        is of the substance of Knowledge and a faith  close to this secret, turned to the Divine
        that is the reflex in the lower consciousness  SSakti for everything, including freedom from
        of a Truth or real Idea yet unrealised in the  the chords of Prakrrti and going beyond the
        manifestation. It is this self-certainty of the Idea  names and forms built by Maya towards the
        which is meant by the Gita when it says, yo yac-  utter liberation in the Issvara.
        chraddhah sa eva sahh., ‘whatever is a man’s faith
        or the sure Idea in him, that he becomes (7)’”

        It is here that Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga steps
        in. It admits the Witness Purussa, the Silent
        Brahman and the Omniscient, omnipresent
        Issvara but does not leave the world-play in
        the hands of a mechanical Prakrrti and the
        impulsion of past karmas. Instead, it seeks
        to bring a change in the world-play itself,
        alter the balance of world forces in favour
        of a divine manifestation. For this, there is
        the insistence upon handing over the reins of
        the play to the hands of the Divine Mother,
        surrendering to Her who is the Divine SSakti,

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