Page 17 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 17
Namah Editorial
Here, in Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga, which reconciled its descent into the world of death, night and
the Vedantic Yogas and the Yoga of the obscurity. That world of obscurity is darker
Tantra, one turns to the Divine Mother and even than our physical night: if you came
surrenders completely to Her to infuse this up after plunging into it you would actually
New Divine Impulsion in nature and through find the most impenetrable night clear, just
her into creation, including matter and bodies as returning from the true Light of the Divine
built of the mud and clay of earth nature. It Consciousness, the Supramental Light without
means to be free of all limits and limitations, obscurity, you would find the physical sun
it means endless possibilities in life, growing black. But even in the depths of that supreme
increasingly divine. It means the direct darkness the supreme Light lies hidden. Let
contact and union of the Supreme as the that Light and that Consciousness awaken in
Creator with the most material and outward you, let there be the great Resurrection (8).”
aspects of creation, and not as it now is,
indirectly through the veils of a limited
movement and works of an inferior nature
subject to the boundaries of Ignorance. This
means true freedom in the highest sense that
comes through the union with the Divine
and in the completest sense since it would
include in its scope not only freedom of the
soul but also freedom of the body through
its progressive divinisation. The Mother
describes this as the resurrection for which She adds:
creation has waited for ages. She reveals:
“Do you know what the flower which we have
“Resurrection means, for us, the falling off of the called ‘Successful Future’ signifies when given
old consciousness; but it is not only a rebirth, a to you? It signifies the hope — nay, even the
sudden change which completely breaks with promise — that you will participate in the
the past. There is a certain continuity in it descent of the supramental world. For that
between dying to your old self, your low descent will be the successful consummation
exterior nature and starting quite anew. In the of our work, a descent of which the full glory
experience of resurrection the movement of has not yet been or else the whole face of life
discarding the old being is closely connected would have been different. By slow degrees
with that of the rising up from it of the new the Supramental is exerting its influence; now
consciousness and the new strength, so that one part of the being and now another feels
from what is thrown off the best can unite the embrace or the touch of its divinity; but
in a new creation with what has succeeded. when it comes down in all its self-existent
The true significance of resurrection is that power, a supreme radical change will seize
the Divine Consciousness awakes from the the whole nature. We are moving nearer
unconsciousness into which it has gone down and nearer the hour of its complete triumph.
and lost itself, the Divine Consciousness Once the world-conditions are ready the full
becomes once more aware of itself in spite of descent will take place carrying everything