Page 18 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 18

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 4, 15th January 2024

        before it. Its presence will be unmistakable,  hostile force which strives to pierce it: it will
        its force will brook no resistance, doubts and  present no dull resistance to the attack but
        difficulties will not torture you any longer. For  will be, on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify
        the Divine will stand manifest — unveiled in  the force by giving way to it to pass off.
        its total perfection. I do not, however, mean to  Thus it will suffer no harmful consequences
        say that the whole world will at once feel its  and the most deadly attacks will leave it
        presence or be transformed; but I do mean that  unscathed. Lastly, it will be turned into
        a part of humanity will know and participate  the stuff of light, each cell will radiate
        in its descent — say, this little world of ours  the supramental glory. Not only those who
        here. From there the transfiguring grace will  are developed enough to have their subtle
        most effectively radiate. And, fortunately  sight open but the ordinary man too will be
        for the aspirants, that successful future will  able to perceive this luminosity. It will be
        materialise for them in spite of all the obstacles  an evident fact to each and all, a permanent
        set in its way by unregenerate human nature (9)!”  proof of the transformation which will convince
                                                 even the most sceptical.
        She completes by hinting at the attributes of a
        body that becomes the field of the Yoga joining   “The bodily transformation will be the supreme
        the two extreme poles into one consciousness,   spiritual rebirth — an utter casting away of
        the material and the spiritual reconciling their   all the ordinary past. For spiritual rebirth
        opposition in a harmonious and victorious  means the constant throwing away of our
        fulfilment of the Divine Intention in creation  previous associations and circumstances and
        through our humanity.                    proceeding to live as if at each virgin moment
                                                 we were starting life anew. It is to be free
        “One of the greatest victories of this ineffable   of what is called Karma, the stream of our
        humility of God will be the transformation of   past actions: in other words, a liberation from
        Matter which is apparently the most undivine.   the bondage of Nature’s common activity of
        Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally   cause and effect. When this cutting away of
        transformed Matter. The supramental body   the past is triumphantly accomplished in the
        which has to be brought into being here has   consciousness, all those mistakes, blunders,
        four main attributes: lightness, adaptability,  errors and follies which, still vivid in our
        plasticity and luminosity. When the physical   recollection, cling to us like leeches sucking
        body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as  our life-blood, drop away, leaving us most
        if it were always walking on air, there will  joyfully free. This freedom is not a mere
        be no heaviness or tamas or unconsciousness   matter of thought; it is the most solid, practical,
        in it. There will also be no end to its power  material fact. We really are free, nothing binds
        of adaptability: in whatever conditions it  us, nothing affects us, there is no obsession of
        is placed it will immediately be equal to   responsibility. If we want to counteract, annul
        the demands made upon it because its full   or outgrow our past, we cannot do it by mere
        consciousness will drive out all that inertia   repentance or similar things, we must forget
        and incapacity which usually make Matter  that the untransformed past has ever been and
        a drag on the Spirit. Supramental plasticity   enter into an enlightened state of consciousness
        will enable it to stand the attack of every   which breaks loose from all moorings. To be

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