Page 22 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 22

error which bases the study of mind upon the   the first time into our dreams with some kind
        study of the body; the sceptical error which   of scientific understanding, has established in
        prevents any bold and clear-eyed investigation   them a system of meanings, a key to things
        of the hidden profundities of our subjective   in us which need to be known and handled
        existence; the error of conservative distrust   by the waking consciousness; this of itself
        and recoil, which regards any subjective   changes the whole character and value of our
        state or experience that departs from the   dream-experience. It begins to look as if there
        ordinary operations of our mental and psychical   were something real behind it and as if too
        nature as a morbidity or a hallucination — just   that something were an element of no mean
        as the Middle Ages regarded all new science as   practical importance (4).”
        magic and a diabolical departure from the
        sane and right limits of human capacity and  He, of course, pointed out that there were
        finally, the error of objectivity which leads  other sources from which dreams arise, which
        the psychologist to study others from outside  have not been probed by psychoanalysis. In
        instead of seeing his true field of knowledge  1914, Sri Aurobindo also wrote:
        and laboratory of experiment in himself.
        Psychology  is  necessarily  a subjective   “The possibility of a cosmic consciousness in
        science and one must proceed in it from the   humanity is coming slowly to be admitted in
        knowledge of oneself to the knowledge of   modern Psychology (5).”
                                                 A comment which was made at a time
        “But whatever the crudities of the new science,  when there was an extension in the realm of
        it has at least taken the first capital step without  psychology from the Freudian unconscious
        which there can be no true psychological  to the Jungian collective unconscious. A
        knowledge; it has made the discovery which  comment that held the incipient seed-
        is the beginning of self-knowledge and which  ideas of the transpersonal movement in
        all must make who deeply study the facts of  psychology and which would appear after
        consciousness, — that our waking and surface  half a century. Incidentally, Sri Aurobindo
        existence is only a small part of our being and  was also particular about the `crudities’ of
        does not yield to us the root and secret of our  psychoanalytic thinking:
        character, our mentality or our actions. The
        sources lie deeper. To discover them, to know   “It (psychoanalysis of Freud) takes up a certain
        the nature, and the processes of the inconscient   part, ... the lower vital subconscious layer,
        or subconscient self and, so far as is possible,   isolates some of its most morbid phenomena
        to possess and utilise them as physical science   and attributes to it and them an action out of all
        possesses and utilises the secret of the forces   proportion to its true role in the nature. Modern
        of Nature, ought to be the aim of a scientific   psychology is an infant science, at once rash,
        psychology (3).”                         fumbling and crude. As in all infant sciences,
                                                 the universal habit of the human mind — to
        Sri Aurobindo also commended the psycho-  take a partial or local truth, generalise it unduly
        analytic work with dreams, “…. the new   and try to explain a whole field of Nature in its
        method of psycho-analysis, trying to look for   narrow terms — runs riot here….

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