Page 28 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 28

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 4, 15th January 2024

        Comments on Psychological Theories       Without psychology, metaphysics by itself
                                                 cannot explain the world.

                                                 “All questions of the reality or unreality of the
                                                 world, its fundamental or ultimate purpose or
                                                 want of purpose, the destiny of the soul, must
                                                 be left over till the psychological data have
                                                 been understood.... Metaphysical reasoning
                                                 by itself could only give us philosophical
                                                 opinions, psychological verification makes....
                                                 truth a firm guide in life. It gives us a tangible
                                                 ladder of ascension by which we rise to our
                                                 highest truth of being (29).”

                                                 The Dilemma of Psychologists

                                                 Modern Western psychology started with an
        Sri Aurobindo was pragmatic enough to  identity crisis. The perennial psychological
        admit the inevitability of a multitude  flow throughout the ages had always
        of  psychological and developmental  acknowledged that psychology was the study
        theories to exist simultaneously, unlike  of the soul or the Spirit, a view which was
        the domain of physical sciences. He  still reflected in the definition of psychology
        commented that the data in psychology  by The New Princeton Review of 1888. The
        was so `….subjective, fluid, elusive” that  early votaries of modern psychology had
        they “do not subject themselves to exact  the dilemma of separating metaphysics
        instruments, can lend themselves to varying  from psychology and found their idol in
        theories, do not afford proofs easily verifiable  Gustav Fechner, who applied quantitative
        by all (27) “He also wrote that, “….indeed,  measurements to the mind. Wilhelm Wundt
        several conflicting theories hold the field  had expressed his gratitude to Fechner
        together (28).” Sri Aurobindo also explained  for making psychology scientific. In an
        that to understand metaphysics either through  interesting overview, Ken Wilber showed
        psychology or through science was difficult:  that some of the leading psychologists,
        in the first case, psychological theories were  whom modern psychology eulogises as
        like shifting quicksand on which no firm  pioneers of scientific psychology and to
        metaphysical building could be erected;  whom are traced the credit of separating
        in the second case, the whole basis of  psychology from metaphysics, were either
        metaphysics tumbled every time science  deep believers of spirituality or had carried
        altered its views.                       seed-ideas obtained through intuitive
                                                 lineage. Thus, Gustav Fechner himself had
        Yet, Sri Aurobindo viewed that metaphysical  written a philosophical treatise where he
        reasoning must be supplemented by psycho-  explained that when one dies to the separate

        logical insights to know the riddle of existence.  self, one awakens to the expansiveness of the

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