Page 33 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 33

Namah                                         Facing the Hostile Forces

        and relinquish our well-being. Illnesses or  Awareness of the hostile forces with
        accidents are often an inevitable consequence  Integral Yoga
        of their influence and for most victims, it is
        an unconscious process.                  As soon as one embarks on the path of
                                                 Integral Yoga, one becomes more sensitive to
        How they come                            these malevolent influences. We are striving
                                                 to attune to a totally new level of vibration
        The adverse forces like to prey on the growing  and so the distinction can more easily be
        soul and look for any opportunities to infiltrate  made. We become more conscious of them
        the being. They relish the challenge and  and learn to recognise the difference.
        hunt for openings. Wherever there is a
        chink in the armour, they will enter. So, it  However, most people practising Integral
        is through unknowingly calling them that  Yoga are not the finished article, far from it.
        we subconsciously invite their presence. The  Their consciousness still jags back repeatedly
        slightest aperture is often sufficient for these  to the surface and relinquishes whatever
        forces to intrude and create mischief.   impetus has already been harnessed for the
                                                 inside. There is still a surface personality, rife
                                                 with duality, division and distortion. This
                                                 invariably leaves cracks for these forces to
                                                 enter. The growing soul Is always vulnerable
                                                 and the consequences of succumbing to their
                                                 influence are much more dire. The potential
                                                 fall is more calamitous.

                                                 Anyone practising this yoga has to endure
                                                 them. In the early hours, before sunrise,
                                                 these malevolent entities used to congregate
        The Mother, when asked why such attacks  and visit me  as I was lying in bed, leaving a
        keep on recurring, even when one is successful  cloud of depression or throngs of stressful
        in driving out the same force, replied:  thoughts. The time was perfect for these
                                                 forces as there was little energy and capacity
        “Because something was left inside. We have  inside at the time for me to push them away.
        said that the force can attack only when there  They  worked by surprise and at times it was
        is something which responds in the nature —  overwhelming. Clearly, something had been
        however slight it may be. There is a kind of  left inside for them to enter.
        affinity, something corresponding, there is a
        disorder or an imperfection which attracts the  Quite a few years’ back, when I was just
        adverse force by responding to it. So, if the attack  starting on Integral Yoga, late one night,
        comes, you must keep perfectly quiet and send  while I was staying at a guest house by the
        it back, but it does not necessarily follow that  shore here in Pondicherry, there was a temple
        you have got rid of that small part in you which  parade passing below my window.  I was
        allows the attack to come (1).”          lying in bed at the time and on the threshold

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