Page 39 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 39
Namah Individualisation in Integral Yoga Psychology
Outer / Objective Inner / Subjective Inmost / Pure
Gross body Subtle body Causal body
(sthulassarıira) (sukssmassarıira) (karannassarıira)
Materialism Psychology Spirituality
(Manasastra) (AAtamavidya)
Causation in terms of Causation in terms of deep Causation in terms of pure
the gross body and its contents and processes of consciousness - Soul and
processes. the individual subjective Spirit transcending the ego
Behaviourism Psychoanalysis Yogic knowledge by
Neurophysics Phenomenology identity
Neurochemistry Philosophy Different types of samadhi
Biochemistry Linguistics ● Swapnasamadhi
Psychiatric medicine Hypnosis ● Nirvikalpasamadhi
Bioelectricity ● Karma samadhi
Cell ● Brahma samadhi
Third-person research Second-person research First-person research
the perspective of Integral Yoga Psychology, mind also — it is a small portion of the external
as developed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. being, but although small, it is sometimes very
persistent and active. The rest of the being, inner
Who is the True Individual? and a great part too of the external, is brought
from past lives. This hereditary part has to be
In the life-cycle of a human body on earth, got rid of and replaced by the true individuality
there are two inheritances, from two sides of spreading itself to the whole external nature
evolution, coming together. One inheritance (1).”
is that of the evolving soul, the gains of past
lives and the other is the inheritance from The true person is the evolving soul going
the material context of birth, the parental, through a spiritual evolution towards
hereditary and the social context. individualisation. It is the immortal in the
“... all human beings are made partly of what is mortal, passing from one birth to another,
given them by their ancestors (not only father carrying forward with it the gains from past
and mother but all the ancestors), partly of what lives. However, on the other end, the evolving
they bring with them. The part they get from soul uses three instrumental layers for its
the ancestors is called hereditary — it is part self-expression in the material world — the
(not the whole) of the physical and lower vital mental, vital and physical instrumentation.
consciousness, sometimes a little of the external All these three instruments are also