Page 40 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 40

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 4, 15th January 2024

        evolving and individualising, but it is only  and individuality, following a physical
        an ego formation, not the real individual.  developmental process growing towards its
        The ego is a surface formation at the level  physical adulthood and all the way towards
        of the instrumental nature giving a sense of  ageing and death. It inherits the heredity from
        individual identity separate from the collective.  the parents and the generations that preceded
                                                 it and yet each human body comes with a
        “In order to become a conscious, individualised  unique fingerprint! No two human bodies
        being, one needs his ego; that is why it is there  are exactly the same. Even at the material
        (2).”                                    front end, there is a law of variation and
        For each layer of our instrumentation, there
        is a corresponding ego — mental ego, vital   “In Matter variation is limited; there is variation
        ego and physical ego. While the soul belongs   of type, but, on the whole, uniformity of the
        to the causal domain, the mind belongs to   individuals of the type. These individuals
        the subtle, and the composite of the vital and   have a separate movement, but yet the same
        physical belongs to the gross body.      movement; subject to some minute differences,
                                                 they adhere to one particular pattern and have
        “The formation of a mental and vital ego tied to   the same assemblage of properties. Variety
        the body-sense was the first great labour of the   within the type, apart from minor unicities of
        Cosmic Life in its progressive evolution; for this   detail, is gained by variation of group sub-types
        was the means it found for creating out of matter   belonging to one general kind, species and sub-
        a conscious individual. The dissolution of this   species of the same genus (4).”
        limiting ego is the one condition, the necessary  We have racial types within the human species
        means for this very same Life to arrive at its  possessing unique physical features. There is
        divine fruition: for only so can the conscious  further variation and subtypes all the way to
        individual find either his transcendent self or  the individual with a unique individuality of
        his true Person (3).”                    fingerprint and other patterns that are specific
                                                 to an individual, however minor it is. Within
        Physical Ego                             the broad type of the species and its subtypes,
                                                 there is a customisation of the individual
                                                 body making it unique, a law of variation
                                                 at work. Each individual body is a unique
                                                 material construction, a unique form and ego
                                                 construct that Nature has established in her
                                                 evolutionary process. However, this ego and
                                                 its processes are entirely beyond the cognitive
                                                 range of the normal surface personality and
                                                 its mental ego. Outwardly, this material mould
                                                 is a product of biological evolution on earth
                                                 and the Darwinian perspective on evolution
        When a child is born and the umbilical cord   essentially deals with the evolution of this
        is cut, the physical body takes on autonomy   mould.

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