Page 35 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 35
Namah Facing the Hostile Forces
becomes graver. Most households simply do the being that was watching when these forces
not have the resources to drive them away. arrived; instead of allowing them to enter, the
There has to be some spiritual stability. If you part which sees clearly, which knows, which has
have any disturbing presence in your home, power, which resists, says: ‘No, I do not want that,
repeatedly chant the word ‘Aum’ at the top it is not true, I do not want it’, and sends them
of your voice throughout the house. Better back. But you have not necessarily been cured
still, exclaim Mother’s mantric words in order of the little thing within you which permitted
to drive them away for good: them to come. You must go very deep within,
work within you persistently to be able to efface
“In the name of The Mother all possibility of calling. And so long as you have
For the sake of The Mother not completely effaced it, the attack will recur
By the power of The Mother almost unexpectedly. You push it back — it is like
With the strength of The Mother a ball you throw against the wall, back it returns;
To all adverse harmful being or force I order to you push it back once again and again it returns
quit this place at once and forever (3).” — until the moment there is no longer anything
to attract it. Then it does not return again.
Go about your home repeating the Mother’s
name and the vibration around you will
stabilise and become sublime:
“When you repeat the name of the Mother, it
begins to echo in all your consciousness, outside
as well as inside you (4).”
It is a state of resonance which attracts these
forces. Therefore, the most important thing to do
when you are attacked by an adverse force, is
“You have something in you which attracts to say to yourself: ‘Yes, the force comes from
this force; take, for example (it is one of the outside and the attack is there, but there must
most frequent things), the force of depression, certainly be a correspondence in my nature,
that kind of attack of a wave of depression otherwise it could not have attacked me. Well,
that falls upon you: you lose confidence, you I am going to look and find within me what
lose hope, you have the feeling you will never allows this force to come and I am going to
be able to do anything, you are cast down. It send it back or transform it or put the light
means there is in your vital being something of consciousness upon it so that it may be
which is naturally egoistic, surely a little vain, converted, or drive it away so that it remains
which needs encouragement to remain in a no longer within me….” There is a way, you
good state. So it is like a little signal for those see? When the force comes, the adverse force,
forces which intimates to them: ‘You can come, when it attacks, the part which corresponds
the door is open.’ But there is another part in rushes out to meet it, it goes forward. A kind