Page 16 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 16
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024
them to embrace truth without biases and our highest potential as a global race and
celebrate diversity as our greatest strength, claim our place as the most advanced and
during their formative years as they grow resourceful creatures on this planet.
up, to being better human beings with the
light of truth igniting their minds and love Let us take the teachings of Sri Aurobindo
and compassion illuminating their hearts. and the Mother and weave them into the
For in their hands lies the power to shape a fabric of our society, so that we become the
world where compassion, understanding, change we wish to see in this world.
and unity thrive.
As we tread this path, let us remember that
our goal is not to erase our differences, but to
embrace them. Let us create a world where
division and discrimination are relics of the
past, where every individual — regardless
of class, creed, or background — has the
opportunity to not just survive, but to thrive
with dignity and purpose.
‘Conscious Evolution’
Evolution by Choice not by Chance
Our Choices Shape the Future
This is our call to conscious evolution — a call ‘Unconscious Destruction vs. Conscious
that harmonises the inner and outer worlds, Evolution’
the human and the ecological. Let us create
a new earth, not just for ourselves but for all We are at a pivotal point in the history of
living beings, where unity, compassion, and the world, where the future of our planet
sustainability coexist in perfect balance. Our will not happen by chance; rather it would
planet has finally come of age as centuries depend upon the choices and decisions we
of discoveries, inventions, experiments, make collectively today. The further course
explorations, technological, economical, of evolution of our world will be determined
intellectual advancements have opened doors by our conscious decisions to utilise our
to unlimited possibilities and potential and powers and resources intelligently for a
have presented a new insight and choice to us happy, positive and prosperous future
— to choose from our collective experiences for all and that calls for massive reforms
and create a better tomorrow for all. This is and transformation of the existing systems,
a glorious opportunity to take a pause, take processes, ideologies and socio-economic
stock of the discoveries and developments structures.
till now, ponder over the infinite potential
and possibilities, select the best course, best The time is just right and we have all that
processes, structures, systems, and ideologies is needed, i.e., the resources, manpower,
and come together to choose and create means and tools to create a new world! We