Page 14 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 14
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024
embracing our true nature as divine beings In a world teetering on the edge of discord
and living in alignment with our highest and ecological imbalance, let us take collective
truths — will activate the critical mass, that responsibility and come together as a collective
will in turn initiate the phase transition force, as ‘Team New Earth’ and ‘Task Force
towards a new, higher social order, an Peace and Harmony’, to spread the message
enlightened and sustainable civilisation and of this integral vision — our highest truth, our
a new earth. oneness and universal love and to usher in a
new era of conscious evolution, enlightenment
This evolutionary leap would involve and understanding.
transcending our ego-driven and divisive
tendencies that dominate our current This would be our first step towards fulfilling
world. Instead, a society based on Integral the dreams of individual and collective
Education and Integral Yoga would empower transformation, an enlightened society and a
individuals to transcend these divisive new world, as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo
filters and embrace unity, cooperation, and the Mother. The Mother has already laid
and compassion as the guiding principles of the foundation, we just need to take her work
their lives. This inclusivity should guide further.
our efforts and choices.
This is the vision of a new contemplative,
sustainable civilisation, as envisioned by Sri
Aurobindo — a community of enlightened
beings, realising our oneness, uniting and
pooling our expertise and resources as a
team and fostering a new era of conscious
evolution, peace, harmony, joy, and love. As
individual cells in the vast cosmic body of
creation, we each plays a unique role in the
beautiful dance of evolution to create heaven
on earth.
‘Temples of Humanity’
‘A New Consciousness’: Team New Earth From Conscious Evolution to Wisdom
& Task Force Peace and Harmony Revolution
The world we inhabit is at a crucial juncture. It is time for a wisdom revolution — a
Communalism, divisive beliefs, global and revolution that empowers us to unite,
environmental crises threaten the very fabric not based on our differences, but on the
of our societies and can break the foundation common threads that bind us as human
of our world. But we, as conscious and beings, propelling conscious evolution,
awakened beings, have the responsibility to and creating ‘temples of humanity’ to
rise above these challenges. We have to move weave together a tapestry of wisdom that
beyond discussions and talks and take some honours both our shared humanity and the
concrete steps now before it’s too late. environment that sustains us.