Page 17 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 17
Namah Envisioning a New Earth
all know, in our heart of hearts, that the collective potential.
only thing that we don’t have enough of
is the will, that collective will and unity Together then, we can create the force, our
to take the responsibility to create a collective mind and consciousness will create,
new world that works for all! It would express and experience the world that never
just require our collective will, unity, has been expressed or experienced before.
wisdom and actions to create an intellectual Individually, we may feel overwhelmed by
revolution to transform our world into a the mammoth task of changing the world, but
heaven on earth! collectively, we can make a world of difference
by simply accepting our truth and being what
The New Earth has already arisen! Yes, at we are — accept our oneness and work as
last, the waiting is over and we are standing a collective force to create a new world. As
at the threshold of the promised Golden Age. individual cells in this vast creation body, we
It is as if this universal, creative intelligence can play our role and create heaven on earth.
is patiently waiting for us human beings
to accept our highest truth and participate But how do we do it?
in the evolutionary process, to unleash our
full potential and possibilities and create our ‘Living a divinised life’
perfect future. A Community of Enlightened Beings
The road where we are today therefore, As Sri Aurobindo always emphasised —
leads us to two destinations — unconscious living a divinised life as human beings, or
destruction or conscious evolution! In short, rather, living a humanised life as divine beings,
we make a heaven or a hell out of it!! Well, our true essence and our highest truth. Too
frankly, do we really have a choice? often, when we have these separation-based,
egocentric filters through which we perceive
‘A New Earth’ and shape our consciousness and life, we
Power to Create a New World treat this human life as a ‘cheat life’, akin to
cheat days, using it as an excuse for errors
A new world is emerging, as millions of us or to justify misdeeds.
are awakening to our spiritual and human
potentials individually and collectively. This may seem trivial to us, but come to think
Our collective wisdom body that has been of it, all crises and problems in the world
built over the years by our collective human today — personal, professional, communal,
efforts and our intelligence calls us to share global — can be attributed to these distorted
our gifts, pool our resources and expertise separation and ego-based perceptions and
to bring out the glory of our individual and filters. So, the question is, how to avoid and
collective magnificent future. A glorious future overcome ego-based filters and perceptions?
that calls us to collaborate effectively and
intelligently to create a social revolution Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have provided
that is not destructive but constructive, and us with tools and reminders through their
would fulfil the promises of the past and our symbols, such as the triple transformation