Page 13 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 13
Namah Envisioning a New Earth
Sri Aurobindo profoundly stated, “Evolution The goal of Integral Yoga is the multi-
of consciousness is the central motive of dimensional growth of our spirit and being
terrestrial existence.” These words remind — a total transformation, an all-inclusive, all-
us that the evolution of consciousness is the embracing realisation of the integral divine
heartbeat of our journey on this planet. It is a reality. The most important thing we have
call to recognise that the path to sustainable to realise is that His Integral Yoga is not just
contemplative civilisation lies in nurturing an individual yoga or a goal to be chased
not just our external world but also the inner here in this life or after life, but a practical
realms of our consciousness. tool to transform our life here and now. It’s
not the end to realise our highest self but a
means to express and experience our divinity
in our daily life through our work, words and
actions. It’s a radical yoga of complete earth
The true message of Integral Yoga, and
the spiritual gift of Sri Aurobindo and the
Mother to the world lies in the ability to
first transform ourselves individually then
collectively and unite and harmonise with
the entire earth — with this interconnected
Integral Yoga web of life. Together, let us recognise that
nature and evolution are inherently inclusive.
In our pursuit of Integral Education, let us Our planet has provided us with abundant
embrace the wisdom of Sri Aurobindo that, resources, yet we’ve created suffering due to
“Yoga means to join, combine, to integrate, to our inability to share and care. The missing
be all-inclusive.” piece is our collective will and unity.
Sri Aurobindo was a genius who, with a Creating a Sustainable Contemplative
few strokes of his mighty pen, effortlessly Civilisation
dismantled the fragmented methods and
approaches to yoga, introducing a radical Imagine a world where divisions fade, where
perspective — so radical that some dubbed there’s one Earth, one race, one community,
him the ‘most radical of radicals.’ He boldly one philosophy — humanity. This vision
declared that, ‘all life is Yoga,’ offering a resonates deeply with the teachings of Sri
unifying framework that encompasses Aurobindo and the Mother, who have gifted
the entire spectrum of spirituality and us the legacy of Integral Yoga. Sri Aurobindo
life on earth and beyond. To describe it as envisioned a future where humanity would
the most comprehensive, holistic, and all- evolve collectively, fostering a new social
encompassing framework of Yoga ever order that is aligned with higher principles.
presented by a human being in history is
not an exaggeration but a profound truth. Following the principles of Integral Yoga —