Page 29 - NAMAH-Oct-2024
P. 29

Namah                                      The (Missing) Human Touch

        conscious creatures into robotic machines.  suppressed within. The second and more
        For that is the direction towards which an  comprehensive solution is the incorporation
        entirely analytical approach, devoid of love  of human values at every level of education.
        and beauty, will take us.                Finally, the only real way to transmit these
                                                 deeper and higher human values is through
        Besides, we tend to become identified  living examples in the family as well as in
        with whatever we are dealing with day and  society at large. This is only possible through
        night and fall in love with. It is said,  a further spiritual evolution of the human
        and with sufficient reason, that each  race. Who will be the leaders and the pioneers
        technological advance leads to some  is hard to say, but even a small beginning in
        kind of biological amputation. The more  this direction will be much more helpful than
        we advance technologically, the more  a host of debates and discussions or theories
        dwarfed we become in those dimensions  and advices.
        and aspects that are not technologically
        driven. While we cannot reverse the gifts of
        technological advancements despite it being
        a mixed bag, what we need is to not let us
        be overwhelmed by them, or lose all that is
        beautiful, humane and divine in us. That is
        the real danger. In trying to look after the
        body through equipment and machines, are
        we losing our soul?

        The way forward

        How to incorporate these deepest highest
        human values in our education and practice
        is a matter of discussion and cannot be dealt
        with in a summary manner. But the urgency
        is there. One possible solution suggested by  The Mother reminds us:
        those who recognise the problem is to enact
        laws. But ethics have no real value if they are  “The best example to give would be the
        imposed from outside and practised out of  unalloyed serenity and immutably peaceful
        fear. Fear is the worst teacher and whatever  happiness which belong to one who knows
        we do or don’t do out of fear is short-lived  how to live integrally this thought of the One
        and breaks down at the first opportunity.  God in all.
        Even if the fear of law is strong, it doesn’t
        change anything within us and hence remains  “From the point of view of our present
        always suspect in its impact apart from the  environment, here is the idea which, it seems
        fact that fear often makes a society ruthless  to me, it is most useful to spread:
        and aggressive, with a proclivity to violence
        as a release of the anger and the anguish  “True progressive evolution, an evolution

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