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Namah Vol. 32, Issue 3, 15th October 2024
which can lead man to his rightful happiness, the once noble profession of medicine will
does not lie in any external means, material undergo an internal revolution or else, as
improvement or social change. Only a deep and a result of this, new modes of healing will
inner process of individual self-perfection emerge that are not so heavily dependent
can make for real progress and completely on technology and money is something to
transform the present state of things, and be seen. For modern-day allopathy was not
change suffering and misery into a serene the first line of healing nor will it be the
and lasting contentment. last. In fact, before the different systems of
healing emerged, when man was still close to
“Consequently, the best example is one that nature and the simplicity of the animal life,
shows the first stage of individual self- he possessed a human body that knew how
perfection which makes possible all the rest, to heal itself. Then came analytical reason
the first victory to be won over the egoistic and gradually the instinctive healing and
personality: disinterestedness. holistic modes of healing were replaced by
a reductionist approach that largely focused
“At a time when all rush upon money as the on the disease, agent and drug. Who knows
means to satisfy their innumerable cravings, whether the coming decades may not see a
one who remains indifferent to wealth and more intuitive and direct healing methods
acts, not for the sake of gain, but solely to emerge and replace modern medicine? After
follow a disinterested ideal, is probably all, methods and technology are extensions of
setting the example which is most useful at what we are. And hopefully human evolution
present (1).” is not over and there is more waiting to
emerge than what our reason can surmise
Conclusion and our imagination can guess.
What we are therefore witnessing today is a Reference
crisis of values in every field. Money is the
new lord and compassion has taken a back- 1. The Mother. The Collected Works of the Mother,
seat. When this happens in the field of medicine Volume 2. 2 ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
and healing, it hits as a stark contrast. Whether Ashram Trust; 2003, pp. 69-70.
Dr. Alok Pandey, an editor of NAMAH and a member of SAIIIHR, is a doctor practising at the Sri
Aurobindo Ashram.