Page 32 - NAMAH-Oct-2024
P. 32
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 3, 15th October 2024
of falling victim to them. This way we get to use both our reason
and will. Is it easier said than done? Yes,
The lost virtue of waiting it is. Is it all not very hard? Yes, it is. All
efforts towards cultivating nobility and
The immediate need to fulfil desires (just steadiness of character have always been
because we can) depreciates a precious hard, more so in modern times, waiting,
human value that is not being cherished in especially. While speaking to Arjuna in
modern times. It is the ‘virtue of waiting’. the Gita, Lord Sri Krrssna reveals the key to
We need to learn to wait before impulsively attaining this self-mastery. He says that all
jumping into action. Consequences of such difficult things become easy with one thing:
heedless actions can often be very regrettable, ‘Practice (4)’.The key then, is to keep our
so slowing down helps. Now, it is not waiting efforts consistent. With practice, all that
in itself that is being glorified here; the key once seemed hard and strained becomes
idea is that of exercising self-control. The natural and effortless.
young might find it hard to understand the
merit of these values, but history is proof that Dependence and the casualty of self-
unregulated desires have been the greatest respect
enemy of self-control, bringing nothing but
personal ruin as a result. The fate of the When we depend on others to fulfil our desires,
impulsive and ambitious Duryodhana from it can be so comforting that we begin to cling
the Mahabharata is the best example. to them for everything (families promote this
negative habit unwittingly and get trapped into
The benefits too are clear. The famous it). This dependence is cherished not just for
Stanford Marshmallow test (3), conducted small harmless needs but will slowly extend
on children by the psychologist, Walter to bigger things. The habit will naturally lead
Mischel shows that self-control indeed to a handicap. It will devalue the power of
works in our best interest. It was found our natural strength and self-reliance and
that the children who exhibited self- erode our sense of responsibility for ourselves
control went on to have successful lives and those around us. And consequences will
and careers. In Indian culture, the story follow. With such a lax mindset, we begin to
of little Nachiketas in Katha Upanissad lose respect for ourselves, surely people do.
exemplifies how he at once gave up all It is very unhealthy to be in such a space. We
sensory pleasures to earn the highest stop growing as individuals. The important
Knowledge from Lord Yama, one that thing to note is that it all starts from accosting
bestowed Nachiketas complete freedom others to fulfil the desires which we cannot
and liberation from lowly things. He do ourselves. And human desires are such
was only a teenager so his story stands that they don’t leave you till you fulfil them!
as special inspiration to young minds.
An antidote to this crippling state is to become
The best remedy is to exercise self-control self-reliant and refrain from asking others to
and with a clear understanding of the issue, do anything for us that we can do ourselves.
delay gratification till the time is right. Additionally, it’s a bonus if we can go beyond