Page 16 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 16

Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        Numerous ideas and impulses arise, remain
        briefly, and then dissipate without the surface
        personality being aware of their origins,
        rendering it utterly incapable of maintaining
        sustained focus over extended periods.

        Two Pillars of Tapasya: Faith and Aspiration

        The conscious mind of the waking state and its
        ego-personality possesses a limited capacity
        for action. However, it can tap into a greater
        power that resides within the depths of one’s   upward ascent, akin to a flame or a sapling
        heart. These two allies are known as faith and   growing towards the light. Aspiration is a
        aspiration in the context of yogic psychology.  profound yearning of the innermost being,
                                                 the soul, to attain the Divine. It is an inner
        Faith (sraddha) is not merely a mental belief   fire that propels the individual forward on
        but a profound inner conviction deeply rooted   the path, propelling them to seek higher
        in the heart, guiding individuals towards the   knowledge, experience, and transformation.
        necessary actions and potential outcomes.   It is the divine will, instinctively known by the
        It precedes knowledge and emerges from   soul, guiding them towards their destination
        an intuitive conviction originating from the   above. This is the Agni of the Vedic seers,
        soul within. Unlike the external nature and   a universal force that manifests uniquely
        its desires, cravings, and impulses, which   within each individual, inspiring them to
        often manifest as dramatic and compulsive   progress. However, this flame of aspiration
        yet fleeting waves, faith exudes a calm and   is often intertwined with the outer nature’s
        steadfast tranquillity. This inner faith serves   confusions, mental chatter, desires, impulses,
        as a firm anchor, often obscured by the mental   cravings, and inertia. Consequently, the
        chatter, desires, impulses, and cravings of   seeker must cultivate the ability to silence the
        the vital nature or the inertia of the physical   outer nature to purify the aspiration and discern
        body. Recognising the presence of faith within   its pure longing to surrender to the Divine. This
        oneself is a pivotal step in the spiritual   force brings purity, the right direction, and a
        journey, enabling individuals to persevere   steadfast drive to the tapas of the outer being.
        on the path despite doubts and challenges.
        Faith acts as a steadfast foundation, fostering   The Role of Surrender in Yogic Trans-
        a dynamic trust that empowers individuals   formation
        to overcome apparent obstacles and continue
        their pursuit of self-realisation. It serves as   The most advanced faculty within the outer
        a solid base upon which the active power of   ego personality is its rational intellect
        tapas can be cultivated.                 and intelligent will (buddhi). However, as
                                                 previously discussed, it is unable to integrate
        If faith serves as the foundation, aspiration   all aspects of its being independently or
        provides the direction and force for an   discern the larger forces of the subconscious,

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