Page 18 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 18

Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        undergone sufficient purification and become   producing from it truths of conception or
        passive and receptive, the inner guidance  real Ideas, vijñāna, which, proceeding from
        becomes steadfast and clear, gradually  an omniscient and omnipotent Self-existence,
        revealing the action of the divine Grace.   have the surety of their own fulfilment and
        There is an inward opening and an upward  contain in themselves the nature and law of
        opening to what is above, and the inner guide   their own becoming in the terms of mind, life
        functions as the centre within, working in  and matter. The eventual omnipotence of Tapas
        harmony with the light and force descending   and the infallible fulfilment of the Idea are the
        from above. The higher workings descending   very foundation of all Yoga. In man we render
        upon the instrumentation further purify it  these terms by Will and Faith, — a will that
        and facilitate the transformative process.  is eventually self-effective because it is of the
        This descending current carries with it the  substance of Knowledge and a faith that is the
        divine tapas, a transcendent divine Will that   reflex in the lower consciousness of a Truth or
        surpasses all human mental constructs. It  real Idea yet unrealised in the manifestation. It
        imparts its idea-force into the receptive   is this self-certainty of the Idea which is meant
        human form, utilising the instrument of  by the Gita when it says, yo yac-chraddhah sa eva
        the human being for the manifestation of   sahh, ’whatever is a man’s faith or the sure Idea
        its divine purpose in the world.         in him, that he becomes (2).’ ”

        Descending from the divine realm into the  Conclusion: Surrender as the Bridge
        human mind are streams of inspired thoughts
        or visions that bestow upon it a heightened
        capacity for clarity and effective will in
        action, surpassing the capabilities of ordinary
        human intelligence and will. In this state, the
        entire human instrumentation becomes a
        passive conduit for the greater consciousness
        to utilise. The sense of effort and struggle
        dissipates, replaced by an influx and growth
        of a greater being that guides the trajectory
        of individual and collective progress. You
        become a willing instrument of divine tapas,  Human existence is marked by a sense of
        naturally and effortlessly drawn towards the  effort and inadequacy stemming from the
        manifestation of ideas born from the seer-will  limited knowledge and will of the ego.
        and vision.                              As we progress, we transcend this state
                                                 and embrace surrender to the inner guide
        Sri Aurobindo writes:                    and the soul’s faith and aspirations. This
                                                 surrender progressively aligns us with the
        “…if Ananda is the creator and begetter of  divine Will and its divine tapas, catalysing the
        all becoming, its method is Tapas or force of  transformative process that leads to clarity
        the Purusha’s consciousness dwelling upon  and effortless action. In this journey, we
        its own infinite potentiality in existence and  transition from the human tapas to the divine

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