Page 21 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 21

Namah                                            ‘All is a single plan’

constant reminder in daily life of the necessity Transformation via Light-points — the

of undoing old patterns.                         divine Energy in deep action

Hands-on healing                                 The most recent ‘method’ that has crossed
                                                 my path at a fair is something I call Light-
Another field that has opened me to an           points. I came across this concept from the
expanded consciousness is the knowledge          USA and it is known by another name. But
of hands-on healing. This path started ages      something within me did not feel comfortable
ago with reiki, which I never used, as it        with the organisation behind it and the way
somehow felt ‘off’. Then I took Qi Gong          it was being handled. But what felt right and
classes where one learns to feel the flow of     so deeply known to me was the outcome of
Universal Energy. I continuously watched         touching those points. I feel that it re-structures
other healers at work and always asked the       the cells at the atomic level — and not only for
Divine for guidance and answers. One             a short-term result, but continuously. This
answer for my soul was that touching was         healing offered something I had been looking
not actually necessary, just holding hands       for — deep, consistent changes on a physical
with closed eyes in front of a body — or         level. It was yet another answer to my
standing behind someone was sometimes            prayers!
all that was required.
                                                 When asking the Divine what needed to
By giving oneself to the Divine, suddenly the    be changed initially to suit my way of
hands start to move and find those spots         working, more points than the initial US
where the body is out of balance, hurting or     one were shown. ‘Money’ was re-named
where the energy is blocked. By devoting         to ‘matter’ because it is about the changing
oneself to the Divine and asking it for          of matter on all levels — and not money.
guidance, the hands then start to move by        Other words came. Things like forgiveness,
themselves. Anything can happen: a touching      immortality and lightness were shown as
of the body, the ‘pulling-out’ of an old energy  new points.
or dark occupants, twirling movements, the
feeling that something is put into the hands     The Light-points are spots on the head and
and then into the body.                          body, which lie on the meridian lines. In
                                                 those points, all of our thoughts, belief-
There is no way to explain why or what is        systems, structures, experiences from all
happening — because the moment the               levels and all lives which are important for
mindstarts asking and intervening, then          this life are stored. By connecting to the
suddenly the hands stop and no more energy       divine Source — without any expectation
is flowing. If the Divine is working through     — one becomes a channel and the highest
us then ‘miracles’ can happen — although         light can flow to and through these points.
they are no miracles because our path has        The Light knows exactly what needs to be
already been agreed before we incarnate on       swept away — what must be transformed
earth. Because of this, the healing has already  and structured anew. The wonderful thing
been scheduled and planned.                      about this work is the fact that we do not

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