Page 22 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 22
Namah Vol. 23, Issue 3, 15th October 2015
have to know where all these old things are Everything is Divine
coming from, what they mean, why they are
present — they are just gently released. On the path there were so many different kinds
Explanations are not necessary; it bypasses of healings and methods on offer. What to
the logical mind, expands the consciousness choose — what to do — what is genuine and
and is very soft so changes can be made what is not? I have come to realise that
more easily. This work can be a wonderful treatments and methods have thousands of
release on all levels for trauma patients. names and at some point in our time, one
They can take back their lives and not feel becomes more prominent than others. They
like victims anymore — they can rise to their become prominent chiefly because marketing,
own power again. Because of this, I refer to especially the American marketing, discovers
this work as the ‘cleaning of our cellar by them. What is not understood is that everything
the Light’. has always been there — it is not new. It has just
adapted to the state of consciousness that resides
What is right on the path? for the time being on this planet. It inevitably
grows in potential, but it is not new. It depends
In the beginning of my journey, there was an on the healer and the state of consciousness.
uncertainty about whether everything that
crossed my path was ‘right’. Looking back, All is one — nothing is separate so in the end,
everything was just perfect — not easy, not all the different healings — no matter how
always light — but perfect for the path of the they are called and how they are done — have
soul, for the inner growing and expenditure all the same essence behind them, the Truth. If
of the True Being. With it, has come a deeper performed with a loving and genuine heart
knowing of what to do — and the distinction anything can happen at any moment and in
of what is of the light and what of the dark. any surroundings. We only have all these
Trust came when I slowly accessed the different methods because each one of us is
courage to act upon this knowing and the unique. And just as one person responds to
feeling that deeply resides inside. It came by homoeopathy — the other might respond to
the feedback of those I worked with or when conventional medicine — the next to fighting
messages were conveyed. It came when with a cushion and finding answers — the
healing spontaneously took place — or a next again by walking in nature or Bach
change of consciousness — the opening of Remedies, etc., etc. These different healings
the heart. It came when there was a clear hint have many names — but in the True Light
of the direction back to the True Being — of there is only one — the ‘Divine’! Call upon it
the glistening of the soul. Knowing that, it also in healing — and it will answer the way
has never been ‘my’ doing — but always the you need it, the way you will understand it
work of the Divine. and it will be able to perform.
Angelika Kolb is a natural healer living in Bavaria, Germany, where she has her own practice and
publishing service.