Page 24 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 24

Namah                                          Vol. 23, Issue 3, 15th October 2015

their fifties, an age when vulnerable to           effects through endorphins, it could be used
anxiety and depression and the occasional          in a psychiatric set-up where we had
case with painful diabetic sensorimotor            instances of psychogenic pain syndromes.
polyneuropathy who drop into the psy-              Moreover, acupuncturists were already
chiatric clinic when there would be meagre         treating a large number of subjects having
relief with the usual interventions.               lower back pain, a condition that does not
                                                   always satisfactorily respond to drugs or
This led me to wonder if there would really        physiotherapy. Besides, three decades back,
be a situation where a cause for pain existed      acupuncture was being used as an adjunct
but no pain was felt even if the subject was       to treat the body aches and insomnia of
not suffering from any condition like diabetic     heroin withdrawal; it was a time when brown
neuropathy which made the perception of            sugar abuse had attained nearly epidemic
pain difficult. It was not difficult to find, our  proportions among the youth in Calcutta.
culture abounds with fairs and ‘melas’ where
it is usual practice for otherwise healthy         We set up a separate acupuncture section in
aspirants to jump on a bed of thorns and nails     our psychiatric clinic and we dealt broadly
in states of trance where one neither feels any    with two types of pain. Cases of acute
pain nor suffers any bleeding. These trance        psychogenic pain like chest pain, acute
states persisting for centuries provide an         migraine and tension headaches, atypical
important field for consciousness research.        facial pain and atypical genital pain were
It is interesting that once a subject came out     simultaneously put on acupuncture sessions
of the trance state, which anyway was short-       along with psychotropic drugs, usually anti-
lived, one got back the pain and ability to        depressants. Initially, we had started with
bleed as before.                                   the older anti-depressants, tricyclics and
                                                   tetracyclics, we later shifted to the new
It is believed that the absence of pain and        generation anti-depressants, SSRIs and
bleeding during trance states is mediated by       SNRIs without much difference in efficacy.
endorphins. Endorphins are endogenous              We had remarkable results. Chronic pain
opioids released in the body during stress         syndromes including those associated with
and react with the brain’s opiate receptors to     depression, somatisation disorder and
reduce the sensation of pain. If the stress is     variants of arthritis were first given anti-
more, then high levels of endorphins are           depressants and later put on concomitant
released, a reason why long-distance runners       acupuncture therapy. We were careful not
start feeling exceptionally happy (the runner’s    to give a false impression that we had
‘high’) after they have run for a while. Could     magical cures, especially as such subjects
we not simulate the runner’s high in pain-         had had multiple consultations before being
relief?                                            recommended for psychiatric consultation.
                                                   (We also administered acupuncture to other
Acupuncture as an adjunct                          conditions where pain was not necessarily
                                                   present, in insomnia, generalised anxiety,
I postulated that as there was some academic       essential tremor, Parkinsonism, erectile
belief that acupuncture exerted its beneficial     dysfunction, psychogenic urinary incont-

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