Page 27 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 27
Namah Notes on counselling
the body consciousness has enormous identical configuration. Once a second body
potentials for personal growth and perfection was visualised behind the original body,
in life. subjects were told to transfer all the sen-
sations, aches, pains and all the other minor
When we were probing different pathways involuntary bodily movements, twitches,
to explore the body-consciousness, an tremors, stiffness and the like to the body
interesting incident happened. A middle- behind which was now no more visually
aged lady presented herself to us with a rather perceived but was simultaneously an exper-
refractory and intractable shoulder pain that iential phenomenon. On cessation of the
had never been resolved fully. One of the session after a few minutes of visualisation,
therapists in our team concentrated on some of the participants reported that their
finding if the client’s body would give some chronic pain in a joint or a nagging ache had
message; she placed her hand on the affected suddenly been transferred to the imaginary
shoulder of the client and meditated for a few body behind, giving instantaneous relief.
sessions. The therapist shortly had a dream The relief lasted from a few days to a few
of a person falling from a horse. The next day, weeks showing that it is necessary to
she enquired with the client if she had continue to have similar periodical sessions
actually ever fallen from a horse and, to her for sustained relief.
surprise, discovered that she did have such
a fall and injured her shoulder when she was Consciousness-Force
a teenager many years back. The body and
not her mind had retained that memory. From These experiences propelled me to under-
the consciousness perspective, this was not stand from the consciousness perspective
surprising as the mind is non-local and hence why physical pain was so refractory and
theoretically, it can be spread everywhere. It impervious to our willed suggestions. An
is just a habit that we point to the head when exploration from the consciousness per-
asked about the location of the mind but we spective, as explained by Sri Aurobindo,
always get our basics wrong as we actually reveals that the Supreme Consciousness
see the sun revolving around the earth which creates and sustains the worlds is
though the opposite is the truth. actually coeval with an inherent Energy or
Force so that whatever is intended to be
Emboldened by the power of the body- created is immediately and spontaneously
consciousness, I experimented next with a executed with accuracy, precision and
group session of middle-aged subjects, harmony. If this were not so, the universal
assuming that most of the people would harmony would have been missing and we
have some bearable chronic pains and would not have been able to construct laws
aches even if medical intervention was not that govern the universe. Sri Aurobindo calls
warranted. The subjects were first exposed this complex amalgam as Consciousness-
to mindfulness meditation to bring them to Force or Cit-SSakti. However, during the
an optimal point of concentration. They were evolutionary process, there develops a hiatus
then told to visualise a subtle body behind between Consciousness and Force, between
each of their own physical body with an Knowledge and Will, between awareness