Page 9 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 9

Namah                                           Editorial

arises from the Inconscience, the Alpha.        This unique journey through the annals of
Moreover, the resurrection of the dead          an evolutionary consciousness requires a
envisaged by Tipler is replaced in the          preparation of which the most important
Aurobindonian paradigm by a trans-              requisite is to integrate the discordant parts
formation of the living along a forward         of the being around the ego-surpassing soul-
trajectory leading to the appearance of a new   essence, the Psychic Being. A pursuit of
species.                                        Integral Heath that brings harmony and
                                                balance is fundamental in this scheme of
Sri Aurobindo asserts that “the Reality is one  integration along with a new psychological
and not a sum or concourse (4).”                discipline that can dissect the planes of
                                                consciousness mixed up at the surface
This has enormous bearing in a world-view       personality so as to align them properly in
where perfection has to be achieved in the      the inner ranges of the being around the ego-
pursuit of the Omega as well as the realm of    surpassing fourth-dimensional principle.
the Alpha. When the evolutionary trajectory     This integrated being can then traverse the
manifests the Supermind, it accesses a          supra-rational cognitive matrices, surpass
consciousness where perfection already pre-     even the global cognitive field (the Overmind
exists as if pre-programmed for execution.      Consciousness) to culminate in the Integral
The crux of the phenomenon lies in the fact     cognitive poise of the Supramental Con-
that the evolutionary culmination does not      sciousness.
take place in a Transcendent consciousness
beyond the manifestation like a heavenly        References
Omega but in the matrix of inconscient
matter, in the ground reality, in the bosom     1. de Chardin, T. The Phenomenon of Man.
of the Alpha.                                       New York: Harper & Row; 1975.

This crowning achievement of the highest        2. Sri Aurobindo. Birth Centenary Library,
perfection, at once unitary and integral,           Volume 18. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
though containing the multiplicity to be            Ashram Trust; 1970, p. 33.
manifest in the ground of Inconscience, the
home of divisibility, the zone of imperf-       3. Tipler, F. The Physics of Immortality: Modern
ection requires a long preparation for which        Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the
ordinary humanity is not yet ready.                 Dead. New York: Doubleday; 1994.
Fortunately for humanity, the Mother as
a pioneer has accomplished that journey,        4. Sri Aurobindo. SABCL, Volume 18. p.33.
using her own being as an experimental
field so as to sow the seeds of possibility                                   — Dr. Soumitra Basu
and potentiality for future travellers.

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