Page 12 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 12

Namah                                             Vol. 23, Issue 4, 15th January 2016

What amazes me is that even after people          in a restaurant and mosquitoes were circling
have seen such a dramatic effect on their         around me and I realised that I could tell my
own body, it does not necessarily change          immune system that mosquitoes could not
their fundamental perspective. Slowly the         harm me and then a mosquito sat on my arm
mind drifts back to its old ways and the          and I let it bite me. I was watching everything
consciousness gets lost in the ways of the        and I told my immune system that ‘the
mundane.                                          mosquito is not my enemy, he is my friend,
                                                  don’t attack the area of the bite.’
Backache — prDnna and Light
                                                  “So the mosquito finished his work and flew
Backache is a common complaint and I have         away and the allergic reaction was so small, it
helped many clients overcome the pain and         was barely itchy. And since then mosquitoes
stiffness using simple inner ways of healing.     don’t bite me or if they do I don’t feel it.
Ms. A, a yoga teacher in her late 30s, had
been suffering from acute backache since the      “The day after the mosquito incident, I learnt
previous few days and was confined to bed         from it that every allergy can be controlled by
because of the pain. She had tried different      consciousness. I was lactose intolerant before
yoga techniques in addition to the medicines,     and I wanted to see if I could tolerate milk with
but apparently they had not helped much.          this technique. So I told myself that milk is not
When she narrated her condition over the          my enemy and my body could digest it and I
phone, I guided her through a healing             drank 1 litre of milk. I had no abdominal pain
session over the phone. Over more than an         and no diarrhoea at all. And I have drunk milk
hour, we explored the inner conditions of her     every day since and my body accepts the
back muscles and painstakingly removed the        lactose, I only have a bit of mucus but I am
old hurts and fears. She could feel the block     not sure if it is from the milk. I telling you this
of prana an flow in those parts, and soon we      so you can explore and experiment and tell
restored the flow of prana na. She invoked Light  people and help the world become a better
to clear the dense emotional patterns and         place.”
strengthen the muscles around. Once the
blocks were cleared, the pain disappeared         Diabetes and Light in the cells
and she was able to get up and walk around.
                                                  Mr. N in his late 40s was newly diagnosed
On mosquito bites, lactose intolerance            with diabetes with very high fasting glucose
and talking to the body                           of 240 mg/L and HBA1C of more than 10.
                                                  He was quite shaken by the diagnosis, and
Here is a mail I received from one of the         had developed symptoms of peripheral
workshop participants:                            neuritis. All the doctors around suggested
                                                  he start immediately on drugs. I told N to
“Hello Dr. Mohan, my name is Daniel               give himself a couple of weeks of working
Moskovitz, from Israel, and I was at your         with my methods, and if nothing happened
seminar on 22.3.14 in Veritee, Auroville. The     then he could go back to the conventional
same night of the seminar I was sitting outside   treatment.

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